

3.5 inch diagonal leg span A. geniculata. Male or female?
Thank you so much 😊 How can you tell it looks female? I want to learn the your ways master 🙌🏻
You're welcome.

When sexing T's ventrally, you look mainly at the epigastric furrow - the slit opening on the underside of the abdomen between the forward book lungs. You want to see the shape of it, whether it bulges out or is relatively flat, does it have any obvious "dents" or "notches" or is it more of a smooth arc, and are there any epiandrous fusillae present? Epiandrous fusillae (EF) are modified silk spigots that are used when making a sperm web, and their presence is a clear indicator that a T is a male. Not seeing them, though, doesn't necessarily mean your T is a female - it could still be a male with EF that are just hard to see. You have to take all these characteristics into consideration, and even then you will miss the mark from time to time because ventral sexing is only an educated guess. Examining a molt for the presence of female reproductive parts is the only 100% accurate way to sex a T.

This website provides some great illustrations and comparisons to show what to look for -
Thank you for the info! It was sold to me as a female, but I just wanted to make sure because I was sold a female in the past and turned out to be a male.
You're welcome.

When sexing T's ventrally, you look mainly at the epigastric furrow - the slit opening on the underside of the abdomen between the forward book lungs. You want to see the shape of it, whether it bulges out or is relatively flat, does it have any obvious "dents" or "notches" or is it more of a smooth arc, and are there any epiandrous fusillae present? Epiandrous fusillae (EF) are modified silk spigots that are used when making a sperm web, and their presence is a clear indicator that a T is a male. Not seeing them, though, doesn't necessarily mean your T is a female - it could still be a male with EF that are just hard to see. You have to take all these characteristics into consideration, and even then you will miss the mark from time to time because ventral sexing is only an educated guess. Examining a molt for the presence of female reproductive parts is the only 100% accurate way to sex a T.

This website provides some great illustrations and comparisons to show what to look for -
NMT, I always appreciate your additions to posts! Thank you!

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Apple iPhone SE (2nd generation)
Focal length
4.0 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
2.8 MB
Date taken
Sun, 29 September 2024 1:28 AM
4032px x 3024px

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