Albo #2 M/F?

Albo #2 M/F?

Albo #2 M/F?
kinda thinkin male myself but the 1st set of book lungs are kind of far apart... have you tried sexing the molt
I just fed it, so it looks pretty bloated. The exuvium wasn't the best around. I'll probably be waiting for the next molt, just to be sure. I got these slings from the same brood, and if they do turn out to be a pair do you think would it make any difference if I breed them together? I'm not sure if in-breeding makes a difference with t's.
It won't matter, but you have a lot of work to do if you want to keep the male from maturing before the female.

@grayzone - It's absolutely male.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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