You shouldn't handle it at all, if u care about her being well. That's the way Ts die in captivity. One fall can be her end, and this species is able to jump. She is chilled until she isn't, people use to say here in this forum.
No your kinda wrong, even though the spider can jump when frightened this one has never done that not even once. the only reason I do handle the spider is because it can be done safely.
You tried what? You think I would be careless handling one of my spiders? If the animal is not afraid it generally wont get hurt, It's all in the body language !!!
I tried to convince you that you underestimate the risk you take. I didn't want to offend you and I don't think u are careless.
There are tons of stories about casualties that started with handling, especially handling high above ground. Many people here would support the things I told you.
Ya I get that you are trying to help me... but I think you are amusing I do this often. The spider was insistent on climbing up the side of my neck and onto my head. It made more sense to let her climb onto my head then scoop her up when she had no where else to climb up to. Taking a picture was the only risky thing I did. On the head was a one time thing. Any other time I handle Chilly over my couch or bed etc. I certainly don't ever want her to fall and hurt herself. Funny how the non-handling people are quick to jump all over a person who does handle. I have a video of me rubbing the underside of Shitbag's (A.A) mouth and fangs several times. I posted that video on a different forum and got the same negative responses like the some how I was causing harm to the spider.
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