Evening at the park with Tao

Evening at the park with Tao

My boy and I trying to beat some heat!
Yuuuup! 1000% in all areas of his life!

Do you have one as well?
When I was a kid yes, we had two and then suddenly 11 🤣 Ruby delivered pups 2-11 in my lap. We were close. The dad Rocket used to hide his bone in plain sight, a huge production, and if he caught you looking he would find a new hiding spot, also in plain sight 🤣
The little girl I kept for myself I named Poltergeist. She was a firecracker.

Worst haircut of my life (hard to keep track of what 11 pups are chewing on at the same time)

Thanks for the trip down memory lane ❤
Hi Tao 🥰 such a handsome little boy, ear scratches for you 😊.
Can I just say I love your beard 😍 that's a proper man Bush lol 😆 so cool 😎
When I was a kid yes, we had two and then suddenly 11 🤣 Ruby delivered pups 2-11 in my lap. We were close. The dad Rocket used to hide his bone in plain sight, a huge production, and if he caught you looking he would find a new hiding spot, also in plain sight 🤣
The little girl I kept for myself I named Poltergeist. She was a firecracker.

Worst haircut of my life (hard to keep track of what 11 pups are chewing on at the same time)

Thanks for the trip down memory lane ❤
Oh wow 11 cairns.....that sounds like a frenzy of endless energy, teeth, and love!! "worst hair cut of my life" that explains it perfectly hahah they sure do have just the sharpest teeth ever. When Tao was just a puppy he would wake up and imediately start chewing (shredding) on any part of my skin 🤣

The names are all so cute!!! My wife loved Ruby & Rocket! (She wants when, Im done with this next degree, to get a girl next time, wish me luck 😅)
The behaviors and personalities cairn have is just the best. Cairns are "huge productions themselves"!!.

Tao does something like Rocket did, not as in plain sight and thats hilarious and a lovely memory! Tao if you look at him he will go find a new place but often hell look to put a bone under one of his animal toys to guard it for him LOL, other times if we are laying down somewhere he will come and bury it under us or in the blanket thats being used by us 🤣.

Love Poltergeist! what a fitting name for a cairn with all the nominal spunk that goes with them!
Tao got his name because he is both the sweetest and calmest and also the most spunky energetic nut all wrapped together!

Thanks to you as well for sharing your memories with me!!
Yeah when we took her for the ultrasound the vet counted 9 pups, she was surprised at such a large litter. When #10 came out we were very surprised, and then an hour after #10 Ruby got up, ran to my lap and started yelping/biting at her tail and out plopped cold, motionless Poltergeist. Ruby immediately dismissed her.. wouldn't clean face or her airway but when she did start breathing it was bubbling and gasping. Our vet gave us oxytocin injections but not a suction bulb so I did it 🤢 We were already rotating 2 pups in (8 teats) and didn't have high expectations but into the busom she went. Once she smelled like the other pups Ruby let her nurse but she would get up and abandon everyone the first 24 hours if I brought it near. She knew she couldn't feed everybody.

The "pairing" was accidental; my pops made the mistake of letting them both out to go potty (didn't realize one was already outside), heard yelping...he thought something went wrong so he raced 2 dogs that were "stuck together" to the vet 🤣 carried one mass of dog...to be a fly on the wall at that office 🤣🤣🤣

Definitely neurotic but they are so charming at it. Here I thought there was something wrong with Rocket's walnut sized brain, Tao sounds a lot like him ❤❤❤

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