

Tan brown and hairy, very aggressive
Dark brown and very hairy as a sling
Spiders aren't aggressive only defensive when they feel threatened. Your t is upset coz they aren't settled, no fault of yours though if you have no idea what the t is how can you house properly. If you can get an Id you may be able to stop this defensive behaviour with a simple enclosure change & while it's not a sp I have kept it reminds me of pics I have seen of chilobrachys hauaini.
@NMTs your good at id the t and have much more knowledge on ow sp then me could you help please?
I think Chilobrachys is a good start, and certainly could be C. huahini. Also resembles C. guangxiensis and C. andersoni. All of these are fossorial or terrestrial, so should be kept in enclosures with deep enough substrate to allow them to burrow. This one appears to be in an arboreal setup, which would explain the defensiveness irf it doesn't have a good burrow to retreat into.
As a mature male, I don’t think rehousing is necessary. Very unlikely to make a new burrow at this point.
I think Chilobrachys is a good start, and certainly could be C. huahini. Also resembles C. guangxiensis and C. andersoni. All of these are fossorial or terrestrial, so should be kept in enclosures with deep enough substrate to allow them to burrow. This one appears to be in an arboreal setup, which would explain the defensiveness irf it doesn't have a good burrow to retreat into.
I appreciate the help.
It wasn’t a purchased T more of a stowaway , was hidden in a Goliath sling enclosure which it killed within a week, that’s the only reason why i found it, as when I was cleaning out it was in the substrate
Initially thought it was a Haiti Haiti purple, hence the set up.
Just wasn’t sure when it emerged this time.
I appreciate the help.
It wasn’t a purchased T more of a stowaway , was hidden in a Goliath sling enclosure which it killed within a week, that’s the only reason why i found it, as when I was cleaning out it was in the substrate
Initially thought it was a Haiti Haiti purple, hence the set up.
Just wasn’t sure when it emerged this time.
Is it a mature male? Looks pretty fuzzy, but I can't see the pedipalps...

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Tarantula Identification
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Apple iPhone 11 Pro
Focal length
4.3 mm
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Off, did not fire
File size
2 MB
Date taken
Sat, 23 December 2023 9:47 AM
4032px x 3024px

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