Heteroscodra maculata, ~1.5 inches DLS

Heteroscodra maculata, ~1.5 inches DLS

I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at here... Uterus externus? An unrelated fold in the skin? I think I can vaguely see tiny bulbs on either end of the line but they don't really make sense with the shape/placement compared to adult H. mac spermethecae pics I've seen.
I believe you're seeing the male accessory organs and gonopore rather than spermathecae and a uterus externus. At that size, it would be hard to miss female parts. Additionally, you should be able to recognize sexual dimorphism in the next molt or 2 - males will have longer hairs and will be shades of tan/beige/light brown, while females will have a more starkly contrasting appearance, with white base and black to chocolate brown markings.
I believe you're seeing the male accessory organs and gonopore rather than spermathecae and a uterus externus. At that size, it would be hard to miss female parts. Additionally, you should be able to recognize sexual dimorphism in the next molt or 2 - males will have longer hairs and will be shades of tan/beige/light brown, while females will have a more starkly contrasting appearance, with white base and black to chocolate brown markings.
Thank you! That was my initial thought but I wasn't sure if the gonopore would stretch across that far. This is good to know, thank you!
I'm still leaning towards male, but I always keep checking molts until I see something definitive. Here's an example of a female at 2". It's hard for me to imagine yours looking like this after one more molt, but it could be a late bloomer:

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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Date taken
Fri, 22 December 2023 10:04 PM
1418px x 1418px

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