Perhaps Baboon 1

Perhaps Baboon 1

Was told this is a baboon T
I don't have as much time as I would like for research ... got this T 10 days ago - former owner said it was a "baboon". Looking at the pics instead of the actual spider, it looks like a scruffy G. rosea to me ??! Sure do appreciate having somewhere to post this pic for more and better info than I have now !!

I hope Hurricane Irene has not disrupted the world permanently for any of the people here or their loved ones. I was in FL in '04 / '05 and "hunker down" became the catch phrase we all laughed and groaned about - but from where I'm sitting in N Texas, it's the only advise I can think to share !?!?

Thanks for any info ya'll might be able to give me on the spider I have .... N
I am pretty amazed at my lack of observatory powers !! Until I actually looked at PICTURES of my 2 spiders, I wasn't thinking they were the same species - but I did know that what I'd read about baboons did NOT match up with how my darker spider acted. Behavior has always been my strong point with the animal world anyway :) !

New question then .... this spider is smaller than the other G. rosea I got from the same person - does that mean it is younger ?

Thank you SO MUCH for the id info !!

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