I 100% agree , that orange is only getting brighter and more pronounced with each moult too, when I first got her she was chocolate brown with just a salmon coloured cuff on her legs, definitely a t that gets more stunning with age
I was the same, I saw Tom Morans and couldn't not get one. It took me about 2 years to find this girl, I was lucky and one of our online t shops were getting rid of extra breeding stock and she was one of them so I snatched her up, best £80 I have spent in a long time , she was only a juvenile when she came, maybe 3.5 inches but she has only gotten more beautiful with each moult, she's crazy too constantly digs like a pulchra, and has an appetite that rivals my blondi lol . 100% worth the get if you can find one , fingers crossed you will more ppl should have these imo.
Thanks, they are a very fun sp Dani is always busy doing something and despite the fact she's at least 5.5 inches she still barrel rolls to take down food she's always been a sturdy spood too she doesn't kick n only bolts during premoult n it's into her burrow for 2 minutes then curiosity takes over n she's out to see what u think u are doing in her domain she is my only santa catalina but I have 3 other sericopelma all bigger then her, my other girls are about 7 inches (sp Darien, sp Bouquete , and angustum) and my darien and Bouquete have the same attitude, I can recommend any in the genus. They are all stunning too imo, worth picking up if u come across one
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