

Any idea what my p. Metallica is? Also I feel bad I made it mad enough to ooze venom....
How can you tell?
How can I tell if the T enjoyed oozing venom? Well, I'm just projecting how I would feel.. :rofl:

You're asking how I can tell it's a male - I get it now. It looks like there is a dark patch just above the epigastric furrow (the little slit in the abdomen between the forward pair of book lungs). That dark patch would be absent in a female. Those book lungs are also very close together, and would be spread out further in a female.

Take this all with a grain of salt. I don't know how big this T is, but I'm guessing it's still pretty small, maybe 2", and it's hard to vent sex them when they're that little. You'll need to confirm by examining it's next molt to see if there are spermathecae or not.
How can I tell if the T enjoyed oozing venom? Well, I'm just projecting how I would feel.. :rofl:

You're asking how I can tell it's a male - I get it now. It looks like there is a dark patch just above the epigastric furrow (the little slit in the abdomen between the forward pair of book lungs). That dark patch would be absent in a female. Those book lungs are also very close together, and would be spread out further in a female.

Take this all with a grain of salt. I don't know how big this T is, but I'm guessing it's still pretty small, maybe 2", and it's hard to vent sex them when they're that little. You'll need to confirm by examining it's next molt to see if there are spermathecae or not.
Ty I have 4 ts this is the one that scares me my gbb is passive my b hamorii is a bunny in my eyes and my avic avic well thats jumped on my face but my p metallica beautiful but scares me super twitchy lol thanks yes it's still small like maybe 2 2.25 inches

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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samsung SM-A136U
Focal length
2.1 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
607.9 KB
Date taken
Tue, 28 February 2023 11:47 PM
1600px x 1200px

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