Unknown T Please Id :)

Unknown T Please Id :)

I am not sure what T this is... It was given to me as a P. cambridgei but they were unsure if it was an accurate ID. Any help on ID would be great! THANKS!!
Cyriopagopus schioedtei? Been looking for a few days and this is the closest I've found... Can anyone confirm? It's defo not a P. cambridgei
thruthetrees said:
Cyriopagopus schioedtei? Been looking for a few days and this is the closest I've found... Can anyone confirm? It's defo not a P. cambridgei

Agreed I got the other 2 and as I took them out I knew they weren't P. Cambridgei. And immediately thought C. Schioedtei
i reckon so too. mine has slightly more of a red tinge to its legs though. what was it sold/given to you as? failing that, the only other it looks close to is lampropelma nigerrimum
ornamentalist said:
i reckon so too. mine has slightly more of a red tinge to its legs though. what was it sold/given to you as? failing that, the only other it looks close to is lampropelma nigerrimum
sorry diddnt read 1st bit, its not a cambridgei thats for sure, its a schioedtei for sure

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