Sold as Purple bloom (claimed Xenesthis)

Sold as Purple bloom (claimed Xenesthis)

As title suggests, I bought this spider labeled Purple Bloom Tarantula. Previous owner claimed it was a Xenesthis, however I’m thinking it could also be Pamphobeteus sp mascara. Any help would be appreciated
Not looking like sp mascara to me. I've only owned a couple, but they were both predominantly brown throughout the entire molt cycle. How big is it?

You're going to have a real problem getting a definite ID, especially since the person you got it from has no clue. Looks like a killer spider though!
Not looking like sp mascara to me. I've only owned a couple, but they were both predominantly brown throughout the entire molt cycle. How big is it?

You're going to have a real problem getting a definite ID, especially since the person you got it from has no clue. Looks like a killer spider though!
It’s around the 4-4.5” mark. He said he bought it as a “Purple Bloom”
It’s around the 4-4.5” mark. He said he bought it as a “Purple Bloom”
Still has some growing to do. Easier to say what it isn't than what it is in my opinion (not antinous, mascara, solaris, etc). If someone told me that it's Xenesthis intermedia, I might be able to believe them. @c.h.esteban may be of more help if he's willing to assist.
Actually, looking closer at the rear leg I think it's Pamphobeteus. I forgot about that trick, if you look at the rear legs and the pad extends the full way up the metatarsus then it's Xenesthis. Yours is looking a lot less chonky, probably not Xenesthis.
Actually, looking closer at the rear leg I think it's Pamphobeteus. I forgot about that trick, if you look at the rear legs and the pad extends the full way up the metatarsus then it's Xenesthis. Yours is looking a lot less chonky, probably not Xenesthis.
Pamphobeteus sp Machala
Definitely not Xenesthis sp.
Its Pamphobeteus sp but due to the multitude of colour transformations they go as they grow its virtually impossible to guess wich species exactly until fully grown.I wouldn't breed from it until you have 100% positive Id with comparison of more than just appearance.
Regards Konstantin

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