

So thruxopelma cajamarca female? Hopefully these pics help with ID
Most of the pics I have seen of cajamarca are of a black spider with white lines on legs and orange hairs, this spider is blue like my T longicolli female, with orange around the carapace.
Looks to me like it is probably correct.

There are several species that look similar that are frequently confused for one another...some have changed names so i cant recall what all are called now...the only one I know, and the only one I am familiar with would be cyaneolum, and this isnt cyaneolum....the giveaway for them is that the hairs on their rump are a deep red., I dont see that here.
no I just started doing research and have been studying up. Only been keeping since august and am enamored with thrixopelma longicolli which I have a female. Saw a video by Tom Moran on Homoeomma sp blue Peru and in the second video he says could be thrixopelma lagunas or longicolli or cyanoleum and there is now a new one in the us called thrixopelma sp blue dwarf. Hardly call myself an expert, but can tell that there is a high probability that my new girl here definitely isn’t a cajamarca. Who knows what it is though? Why I am asking?
no I just started doing research and have been studying up. Only been keeping since august and am enamored with thrixopelma longicolli which I have a female. Saw a video by Tom Moran on Homoeomma sp blue Peru and in the second video he says could be thrixopelma lagunas or longicolli or cyanoleum and there is now a new one in the us called thrixopelma sp blue dwarf. Hardly call myself an expert, but can tell that there is a high probability that my new girl here definitely isn’t a cajamarca. Who knows what it is though? Why I am asking?
Are all these pics you just posted this evening of the same T in this post?
no I just started doing research and have been studying up. Only been keeping since august and am enamored with thrixopelma longicolli which I have a female. Saw a video by Tom Moran on Homoeomma sp blue Peru and in the second video he says could be thrixopelma lagunas or longicolli or cyanoleum and there is now a new one in the us called thrixopelma sp blue dwarf. Hardly call myself an expert, but can tell that there is a high probability that my new girl here definitely isn’t a cajamarca. Who knows what it is though? Why I am asking?
I was talking to storm76
Are all these pics you just posted this evening of the same T in this post?
Yes they are all of the same Tarantula. The first 2 pics are screen captures from the video the seller sent me via email. the other pictures I took, when someone mentioned pics being blurry. This is suppose to be a confirmed female Thrixopelma Sp Cajamarca. Hopefully it turns out to be so. but when I was checking on my slings I pointed the light and this girls femur's are blue, so I started questioning it? Granted she isn't full size yet and has a big of growning to do.
Yes they are all of the same Tarantula. The first 2 pics are screen captures from the video the seller sent me via email. the other pictures I took, when someone mentioned pics being blurry. This is suppose to be a confirmed female Thrixopelma Sp Cajamarca. Hopefully it turns out to be so. but when I was checking on my slings I pointed the light and this girls femur's are blue, so I started questioning it? Granted she isn't full size yet and has a big of growning to do.
Interesting. The one in the video clips looks to have a lot more red setae, but maybe it's just the lighting or something. I agree that the femur have a blue tint in the pics you took in person. Hopefully it really is female so you can eventually compare spermathecae to get a positive ID.

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