

So thruxopelma cajamarca female? Hopefully these pics help with ID
@Storm76 Am I remembering correctly that you have a greater knowledge of this confusing group of ts?
The one to get to look at this is c.f.esteban really. He is imho the most knowledgable about these I am convinced. And while I only looked at these pictures in a rush (got an appointment in a bit just wanted to leave a quick reply) that T looks to me (and I could be entirely off on this) like a tell-tale example of a T. lagunas really. The colors are off on the pics which probably were taken with a cellphone, but the red satae around the carapace and the coloration of the same itself leads me to assume it is a lagunas.

T. sp. "cajamarca" has a greenish (!) carapace, is more black/brownish overall with red satae on all extremeties to my personal knowledge. So the T in these pics is not a cajamarca in my opinion based on pictures provided.
The one to get to look at this is c.f.esteban really. He is imho the most knowledgable about these I am convinced. And while I only looked at these pictures in a rush (got an appointment in a bit just wanted to leave a quick reply) that T looks to me (and I could be entirely off on this) like a tell-tale example of a T. lagunas really. The colors are off on the pics which probably were taken with a cellphone, but the red satae around the carapace and the coloration of the same itself leads me to assume it is a lagunas.

T. sp. "cajamarca" has a greenish (!) carapace, is more black/brownish overall with red satae on all extremeties to my personal knowledge. So the T in these pics is not a cajamarca in my opinion based on pictures provided.
Agreed. I am 99.9999% sure that this is a Thrixopelma Cyaneolum.

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