What Cyriopagopus is this?

What Cyriopagopus is this?

Help identifying this tarantula, I know is Cyriopagopus but I want to double check with someone.
Maybe C. vonwirthi? Hard to say for sure when they're small like that.
It was sold to me as a C.Paganus. But after reading the posts about that specie make me think is either C.vonwirthi or C.minax. I’ll stick with C.vonwirthi, beautiful tarantula(presumed female 4”)
To me it looks like it very well could be C. paganus. But I'm no expert on the Cyriopagopus genus. If it is a female, you could look at its next molt and look at the morphology of the spermathecae if you're really curious. It's not always a surefire thing, but it might help lead you in the right direction.
All of the specimens labeled as C. minax, C. longipes, C. vonwirthi, or C. paganus are pretty much just guessing because a lot of them were collected either from Vietnam or Thailand (many of unknown origin of collection). Most people just either use whatever scientific name they bought it with as it's quite a confusing of a genus. I love asian fossorials, but a lot of them are collected by people who are unsure or people who are speculating, unless they're an arachnologists on the field that knows the genus or is studying them.
To me it looks like it very well could be C. paganus. But I'm no expert on the Cyriopagopus genus. If it is a female, you could look at its next molt and look at the morphology of the spermathecae if you're really curious. It's not always a surefire thing, but it might help lead you in the right direction.
I also trust the place I got it from it might be a C.paganus.I’ll post pictures of the two other ones I purchased to see if maybe there is a noticeable difference that can make easier to sex them since they are the same size .
All of the specimens labeled as C. minax, C. longipes, C. vonwirthi, or C. paganus are pretty much just guessing because a lot of them were collected either from Vietnam or Thailand (many of unknown origin of collection). Most people just either use whatever scientific name they bought it with as it's quite a confusing of a genus. I love asian fossorials, but a lot of them are collected by people who are unsure or people who are speculating, unless they're an arachnologists on the field that knows the genus or is studying them.
Mmm … I see , is there a way to tell by any difference on the appearance on any of these species? I bought 3 of them they all about 4” maybe if it helps I can make a new post with more pics ?
Mmm … I see , is there a way to tell by any difference on the appearance on any of these species? I bought 3 of them they all about 4” maybe if it helps I can make a new post with more pics ?
The only thing you can do is rely on morphological features and publishings from research papers or scientific journals at best. Pictures is not the most reliable because specimens may vary and seeing them from the naked-eye is not a always a sure fire to know what you have as sometimes you need more than that just to be sure.

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