I agree it's a Psalmopoeus, but why can't it be other Psalmopoeus species? Are there any specific traits that tell you it's a irminia? Just trying to learn here.
@blueberry123 The care for a Psalmopoeus is very different from P sazimais, so DO RESEARCH on the proper care of them on AB!!!
I agree it's a Psalmopoeus, but why can't it be other Psalmopoeus species? Are there any specific traits that tell you it's a irminia? Just trying to learn here.
All Psalmopoeus slings look a bit different (However i dont know about the other, a bit more uncommom psalmos) enough that you could mostly tell right away.
Irminia have the tiger stripe on their abdomen and orange metatarsi. I guees some other psalmos have orange colors in that area but they spread to other leg segments as well, and not just metatarsus.
Ive never kept psalmos myself so i could be wrong on some things, but im fairly confident its an irminia, unless some other, more uncommon psalmo also looks like this that i know nothing of.
All Psalmopoeus slings look a bit different (However i dont know about the other, a bit more uncommom psalmos) enough that you could mostly tell right away.
Irminia have the tiger stripe on their abdomen and orange metatarsi. I guees some other psalmos have orange colors in that area but they spread to other leg segments as well, and not just metatarsus.
Ive never kept psalmos myself so i could be wrong on some things, but im fairly confident its an irminia, unless some other, more uncommon psalmo also looks like this that i know nothing of.
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