Presumed male T stirmi
My Newbie questions
.He is 6-7 inch is he mature ?
.i haven see palpal bulbs in his pedipalps that means he still not mature right?
.is en effect a male?
Thanks for your time reading this! I'm new to this and I want to try breeding my T stirmi when the time is right.
I can I ask you how do you know he is not mature?,and what signs in the future should I pay attention to know when he is?.
The distal segment of his pedipalps will become modified when he matures. You can see they currently look like the "feet" he has on each of his other legs, with a pad of setae. When he undergoes his ultimate moult and matures, that segment will change into structures he will use to inseminate females. The segment is known as a tarsus now, but will transform into the cymbium, and will have a palpal bulb and embolus.

You can search google for photo examples of T. stirmi emboli (plural of embolus) if you want to see what you'll be looking for after his next moult.
The distal segment of his pedipalps will become modified when he matures. You can see they currently look like the "feet" he has on each of his other legs, with a pad of setae. When he undergoes his ultimate moult and matures, that segment will change into structures he will use to inseminate females. The segment is known as a tarsus now, but will transform into the cymbium, and will have a palpal bulb and embolus.

You can search google for photo examples of T. stirmi emboli (plural of embolus) if you want to see what you'll be looking for after his next moult.
Thanks I'll pay attention to my T stirmi next moults and look for this changes

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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