H maculata ventral sexing

H maculata ventral sexing

Could anyone help me identifying the sex of this elusive T, roughly 7cm in length. never had a molt back from this one they usually get destroyed.
From this far away and as out of focus as the epigastric furrow area is, it would be an educated guess at best. Kinda looks like a male, but not confident about that.
From this far away and as out of focus as the epigastric furrow area is, it would be an educated guess at best. Kinda looks like a male, but not confident about that.
Thank you , I was just able to finally get a close up of it under the light without it bolting, and I found some hooks on the pedipalps so you was correct.
Thank you , I was just able to finally get a close up of it under the light without it bolting, and I found some hooks on the pedipalps so you was correct.
Yep, never could have seen that in this pic, but good to know my vent sexing skills are accurate sometimes.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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