

P irminia 4 inch +
Guessing male, but these are really difficult to sex without the molt.
Guessing male, but these are really difficult to sex without the molt.
Thanks, just curious 🧐 n what makes you think male. It was sold to me as female. I overpaid no matter what but I would feel more comfortable if it was female of course. I know vent is not that accurate but I am so bad at guessing sex with vents. Really good with molts though.
Looks like a pouch above the vent I would say female males have a hollow triangle above their vent thats what @vicareux told me when it comes to nw anyway but you'd need a moult to be 100% .
Thanks, just curious 🧐 n what makes you think male. It was sold to me as female. I overpaid no matter what but I would feel more comfortable if it was female of course. I know vent is not that accurate but I am so bad at guessing sex with vents. Really good with molts though.
Like I said, it's just a guess, but it looks to me like there's a little notch above the vent that has a patch of short setae around it. Maybe that's just a result of the lighting or the camera angle, but if it's there, it would be the epiandrous fusillae which are present in males only (what you look for when ventral sexing). If you bought it as female, hopefully the seller confirmed that with a molt and it's a moot point!
Man, I was hoping some sort of agreement to ease my mind. Oh well, I guess it is what it is. Live and learn. I wanted a female of this species so badly that I guess I just jumped on it. It will suck though because how big it is, most likely next molt will be ultimate molt and my $200 will be gone. Maybe I can find a mature female in the mean time. :)
P. irminia are sexually dimorphic. Females and males once mature are completely different colorations. Hope that helps!
P. irminia are sexually dimorphic. Females and males once mature are completely different colorations. Hope that helps!
Yes I know, that’s why I said if this is a male I will know by next molt for sure. Thanks though!!

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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