

P. Murinus
thank you . Iam trying to learn how can i understand female or male on molt. I thought its female but im not expert
In larger specimen like this one is, you would look for a structure inbetween the upper pair of book lungs. This is a female organ called spermatheca, commonly known as 'flap' since you can fiddle with it like a flap.
Males don't have an easily visible structure here, but older males do have two visible 'buttons' laying flat on the surface of the exuvia. These are gonads/male accessory organs, sometimes mistaken for a spermatheca.
Since a lot of female T spermatheca dont look alike, your best bet is to go through this gallery and search for the species youre trying to sex, to have as many references as to what you should be looking for. Thats what i do!
In larger specimen like this one is, you would look for a structure inbetween the upper pair of book lungs. This is a female organ called spermatheca, commonly known as 'flap' since you can fiddle with it like a flap.
Males don't have an easily visible structure here, but older males do have two visible 'buttons' laying flat on the surface of the exuvia. These are gonads/male accessory organs, sometimes mistaken for a spermatheca.
Since a lot of female T spermatheca dont look alike, your best bet is to go through this gallery and search for the species youre trying to sex, to have as many references as to what you should be looking for. Thats what i do!
thank you so much

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Spermathecae sexing (Molts)
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