

That setup looks amazing! How do they handle the LED's? And do live plants make upkeep complicated?
That setup looks amazing! How do they handle the LED's? And do live plants make upkeep complicated?
They handle them without any problems. Unless you are nuking them with light, they are not bothered at all.

It's easier than people think, the most complicated part in that enclosure, is the moss, but that's something easily fixable using other plants. You only need to learn how water the plants, and those will keep a nice and stable humidity levels inside, very usefull if your house is dry, or you have dry climate.
Looks like, what I think is, a very happy Nephrolepis cordifolia 'duffii' in there!

They are actually such bullet proof fern, and do really well in tanks with minimal help!
Looks like, what I think is, a very happy Nephrolepis cordifolia 'duffii' in there!

They are actually such bullet proof fern, and do really well in tanks with minimal help!
Pretty close!!

It's a Pellaea rotundifolia, another bulletproof fern. I had a Nephrolepis in a previous setup, love it!
Pretty close!!

It's a Pellaea rotundifolia, another bulletproof fern. I had a Nephrolepis in a previous setup, love it!
The leaves did look a little too round but I was on my phone, and, at least here, Nephrolepis spp. are more common.
Here too, I personally like Nephrolepis exaltata mini, aka boston fern or hawaii crespo.
I do too!!
On ferns, I’m about to try using some Microgramma heterophylla and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum, that I’ve been growing, in a new smaller planted tank I just started making yesterday.
Hey @Smotzer you were right!!! They are Nephrolepis cordifolia "Duffi"!!!

They were mislabeled 😉 thanks!!!!

I made a little search recently because they looked a bit different
Hey @Smotzer you were right!!! They are Nephrolepis cordifolia "Duffi"!!!

They were mislabeled 😉 thanks!!!!

I made a little search recently because they looked a bit different
Ahhhh okay I thought I was right the first time!! Haha well your most welcome for the ID!! Good to know I’m not that rusty 😉

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OnePlus ONEPLUS A6003
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
3.2 MB
Date taken
Fri, 12 November 2021 8:18 PM
4656px x 3496px

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