

Someone is selling this tarantula in my area. They have no idea what the species is and are too afraid to get better pictures.

I have a guess but I’m a total newbie to tarantulas so I want to ask you all what you think the species is.

Thank you.
I would also add that it looks to be the Nicuraguan form of Tiltocatl albopilosum.
Total newbie here, just starting to get into the hobby and trying to learn the scientific names for Tarantulas. Is the common name for Tiltocatl albopisolum the Honduran curly haired? The person I bought it from also called it a Mexican curly haired tarantula.
Total newbie here, just starting to get into the hobby and trying to learn the scientific names for Tarantulas. Is the common name for Tiltocatl albopisolum the Honduran curly haired? The person I bought it from also called it a Mexican curly haired tarantula.
Hi there, will try to help explain for you :).
There are 2 recognised forms of the Tliltocatl albopilosum and these also carry other teminology (aka "xxx" form). See below:
1. Nicuraguan (aka "True") form
2. Honduran (aka "Hobby") form
They are distinct species and should not be hybridised.

Generally speaking the Nicuragauma form has much more quantity and density of hairs all over the legs and usually a lighter colour as well as a black undertone to the carapace with a golden sheen.

Honduran form tend to lave less hairs, the hairs are darker in colour, and the carapace is usually a more copper uniformed colour.
Hi there, will try to help explain for you :).
There are 2 recognised forms of the Tliltocatl albopilosum and these also carry other teminology (aka "xxx" form). See below:
1. Nicuraguan (aka "True") form
2. Honduran (aka "Hobby") form
They are distinct species and should not be hybridised.

Generally speaking the Nicuragauma form has much more quantity and density of hairs all over the legs and usually a lighter colour as well as a black undertone to the carapace with a golden sheen.

Honduran form tend to lave less hairs, the hairs are darker in colour, and the carapace is usually a more copper uniformed colour.
Thank you so much for the explanation. I have a Honduran curly hair and he just had his first molt. Nervous but very excited about this hobby
Thank you so much for the explanation. I have a Honduran curly hair and he just had his first molt. Nervous but very excited about this hobby
Moults are amazing. We tend to be more nervous about it than the spiders tho. Ha ha
Welcome to the hobby. I am 30+years in the hobby and still excited every day to see what they get up to (I have nearly 250 tarantulas)

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