Picked up another t, mainly because it was starving to death. It's eaten 10 crickets since yesterday so is looking much better. no idea what it is though, help appreciated so i can sort its home out. Thanks
it looks like something from schmidti group (white prominent cheliceral "beard", dense brushes on the femurs of the front legs and typical abdominal pattern). Most probably it's Haplopelma hainanum but you need to wait for a moult to be sure.
I Know this is late, but the light brown rump makes me want to say "Haplopelma Sp. central Vietnam". If the spider had a golder tint, than it would probably be H. Schmidti, from the Hanoi area of Vietnam. Even lighter and it would probably be H. Schmidti from Mengzi City area in Yunnan (China). I'm currently studying spiders from the northern Indochinese region, but I'm no expert!
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