Attracted by my space heater?

Attracted by my space heater?

Every time (and I mean every given time) I turn on the space heater, my Ts behave like that. Apart one of the GBB that has always been under the bark and the N. incei that just dig everywhere! Is it normal?? The temperature in the enclosure spot is stable at 22° and the heater is 3mt far away.
If your space heater is blowing air, they might be attracted to the air disturbance. Remember, tarantulas can sense the tiniest of vibrations because of their hairs.

someone with more knowledge will have to chime in but I remember reading a similar thread not that long ago where it was mentioned that the air disturbance from a fan might be causing them to act differently. Possibly the same situation!
My T's do this too whenever i light my fire up in my wood heater. They will glue themselves to the spot thats closest to the heat source
Answering to everyone:
My heater do not have a fan, it just heat the air via electric heating elements. What I think is that the Ts hair are able to percieve the movements of hot molecules flowing following the temperature gradients but I really don't know if I am right or wrong. I will search around about this thing.

The big doubt that I am having right now is... Does it mean that my Ts were cold so far?
Answering to everyone:
My heater do not have a fan, it just heat the air via electric heating elements. What I think is that the Ts hair are able to percieve the movements of hot molecules flowing following the temperature gradients but I really don't know if I am right or wrong. I will search around about this thing.

The big doubt that I am having right now is... Does it mean that my Ts were cold so far?
As long as your ambient temps aren't lower than probably the mid to high 60's, they're totally fine. Mine stay in a room where the ambient temp is anywhere between 68 - 75 and they're all just fine. T's are just funny little critters! I wouldn't worry about it very much if they're eating and growing fine.

I doubt they were too cold or anything, they're probably just attracted to the warmer air.

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