Christina Triplett


Boy or girl? One of my two sibling Avicularia caribena Versicolor, 3 inch, 9th molt, 1 year old.
Ventral sexing freshly molted tarantulas is not really easy or recommended as any male will barely have the black path of their epiandrous fusillae visible if they're freshly molted. This can cause people to mistake freshly molted males as female at times, but from this photo you have a male for sure.
Thank you. It molted two weeks ago. It was the 9th instar molt. It was a 3d instar when we got it in July 2020. What do you think about it’s sibling? Boy or girl?

Ventral sexing freshly molted tarantulas is not really easy or recommended as any male will barely have the black path of their epiandrous fusillae visible if they're freshly molted. This can cause people to mistake freshly molted males as female at times, but from this photo you have a male for sure.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Christina Triplett
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