

P. Metallica Juvenile 11cm, Male or Female?
The important point is unfortunately not sharp enough for my eyes, but if the hairs on the side of the furrow that goes to the carapace are uniform throughout, also in the middle (of the furrow): maybe female, is there a "vortex", there is tendency to be masculine.
The important point is unfortunately not sharp enough for my eyes, but if the hairs on the side of the furrow that goes to the carapace are uniform throughout, also in the middle (of the furrow): maybe female, is there a "vortex", there is tendency to be masculine.
I'll try getting a better picture, it's currently hiding inside the cork bark tube I provided, don't wanna poke it out.

Thank you though.
The important point is unfortunately not sharp enough for my eyes, but if the hairs on the side of the furrow that goes to the carapace are uniform throughout, also in the middle (of the furrow): maybe female, is there a "vortex", there is tendency to be masculine.
Took some better pictures but I didn't want to create another thread/post on the same thing so I uploaded the photos to Gdrive:

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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