Are you quoting the standard web reply to any and every Q on tarantula ID in Antigua from the Interweb...whether the adults are 5cm or 11cm? Neighbouring islands have reports of several genera, but here everyone defaults to a quick meme of Cyrtopholis for everything by default! For this looks quite unlike the normal "Horse Spiders" here, or are there character which point to this genus?
I did a search for Tarantulas and Arachnids of Antigua and the only T I found that matched your photo from Antigua was the one I listed which has it as a decent sized burrowing T. I am assuming it is a generic as research is probably few and far between. It appears similar to Phormitcopus but the mature males of that region tend to have more color. A. Maga tend to be a bit beefier.
Unfortunately this island, unlike some neighbours, has has very little arachnid research...we're now trying to get a handle on some Araniae...but Theraphoid dichotomous keys are hard to come by...unless we start microscopy of urticarial setae and that key is only to subfamily. Was hoping some of you guys could come up with some more holostic visual and heuristic pointers to narror the search ....this one certainly looks somewhat different to the ones normally seen everywhere in this size range of Theraphoids
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