U. Mordax
i think i have the same species what does your care look like for them i have bare minimum at the moment for mine but id like to thrive and be as comfortable as possible
i think i have the same species what does your care look like for them i have bare minimum at the moment for mine but id like to thrive and be as comfortable as possible
They're in a 10 gallon vertical (if you look at my posts you can find more details). I try to keep it moist and add water to that gatorade cap when it gets empty. I also throw in crickets when I haven't seen any for a few days. They seem to like it.
They're in a 10 gallon vertical (if you look at my posts you can find more details). I try to keep it moist and add water to that gatorade cap when it gets empty. I also throw in crickets when I haven't seen any for a few days. They seem to like it.
thank you
i also forgot to mention i had a clutch of them at one point, i was really busy with work at the time and they sadly passed. you can see the clutch of them in my media. they were adorable lol.

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