The cricket (foreground) finds itself entangled in silk, my L. Geometricus has noticed and left her burrow.

The cricket (foreground) finds itself entangled in silk, my L. Geometricus has noticed and left her burrow.

It may be a bit hard to see the cricket. It’s atop the cork bark between the two sticks. It actually made it out of this situation, and only later did she catch it. This was lightly annoying considering I was not able to record the fight because I was asleep but at least she’s not hungry anymore :)
Please do not feed crickets to spiders, they can carry spider killing parasites and many spiders have died because of it
To quote @Liquifin
"Unless you live in the Asian countries or in third-world/developing countries, then it wouldn't or barely apply at all. As most crickets in the USA, CA, UK, EU, etc. have established cricket/feeder farms with higher standards of feeder insects including crickets. So technically the idea of crickets having parasites is very small and even if you're in the Asian countries, it wouldn't be common for crickets to have parasites. So basically crickets = parasites is ridiculous"
To quote @Liquifin
"Unless you live in the Asian countries or in third-world/developing countries, then it wouldn't or barely apply at all. As most crickets in the USA, CA, UK, EU, etc. have established cricket/feeder farms with higher standards of feeder insects including crickets. So technically the idea of crickets having parasites is very small and even if you're in the Asian countries, it wouldn't be common for crickets to have parasites. So basically crickets = parasites is ridiculous"
Right like that’s what I’ve thought all along. It seemed especially odd to me considering that Tom Moran suggests crickets as feeders, and I’ve seen nothing but praise for him. Thank you for your response!

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