Texas Tarantula found near San Antonio.

Texas Tarantula found near San Antonio.

Someone just posted this on CL in my area of San Antonio Texas that they found. A. chalcodes? or different Aphonopelma,? Id probably going to go pick it up, regadless , if the guy gets back to me. I have no idea what size it is or anything, or a description of where it was found. just the photo.
Pretty sure on this one, but second opinions are always great! Great thing about this place!
Im going male hentzi.On account of where it was found.( Headed to La Junta,Co.to watch the T,s this week).
Im going male hentzi.On account of where it was found.( Headed to La Junta,Co.to watch the T,s this week).
They sent me another photo, and it does not look leggy enough to be a male? And can’t see the front legs to tell if it’s got hooks. But the wandering lends itself to that. I’ve requested another photo of it to see if it’s got hooks or not.
In the San Antonio area, the most likely species that will be found is Aphonopelma anax.
Ohh yeah it looks like that!
@AphonopelmaTX just gaining info are the males of A. anax active this time of year? A source online put their most active time of year to around may.
@mack1855 they just sennt me a video, and it does not have tibial hooks. A video i might add that pissed me off cause they are like poking it and it giving threat postures.
Thanks for that.So,hentzi mostly Ok.Co.?.Is San Antonio to far south for hentzi?.
The way I remember the distribution of A. hentzi and A. anax in Texas is by imagining a line that runs east and west through Austin. A. hentzi occurs north of the line and A. anax occurs south of the line. It's not perfect since there could be some overlap and the thought doesn't take into account the east/ west distribution, but it gets you an idea of what you have based on where a brown tarantula was spotted.
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