WhatsApp Image 2020-08-13 at 19.02.58.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-13 at 19.02.58.jpeg

Hamorii or Smithi?
Hey, guys. I have an opportunity to buy this AF Brachy, but i can't understand is it Hamorii or Smithi? The photo is not good, but i have only this one atm.
Unfortunatelly seller can't make additional photos yet, but i will upload better photos as soon as he can.
Thanks for help!
not the best of pics but I am saying hamorii. too many 'black' patella markings and the leg segments do not appear orange enough to be smithi. Carapace marking although not full black in shape, do still extend to the end of the carapace with only a thin segment of cream and no real evidence of the maple leaf pattern you generally see in smithi.

Those being the main reasons for me thinking hamorii.

here is a link to a good video guide.

Admins: hope ok to post youtube links? if not please accept my apologies and delete it

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WhatsApp Image 2020-08-13 at 19.02.58.jpeg
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247.6 KB
1080px x 1104px

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