They are terrestrial but could be considered semi arboreal. They’ll do fine in a terrestrial tub but if you give them some height they’ll probably occasionally take advantage of it. As a sling mine spent most of her time in her webbed up borrow but also occasionally could be found sitting at the top of the side of her tub.
My OBT Sling has been in it's burrow pretty much ever since I had it. I might be rehousing since it molted. They can be semi arboreal but that might only start showing later. My Feather Leg Baboon is pretty much the same way.
My OBT Sling has been in it's burrow pretty much ever since I had it. I might be rehousing since it molted. They can be semi arboreal but that might only start showing later. My Feather Leg Baboon is pretty much the same way.
I had 5 OBTs. My experience with them is that they web a lot, burrower, short-tempered. They would prefers to either web around surface objects that serves as their hide or will just burrow. Not so much of an arboreal.
I had 5 OBTs. My experience with them is that they web a lot, burrower, short-tempered. They would prefers to either web around surface objects that serves as their hide or will just burrow. Not so much of an arboreal.
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