Brazilian Tarantula: Possible Acanthoscurria? [4/7]

Brazilian Tarantula: Possible Acanthoscurria? [4/7]

So, i posted a kinda long thread on the questions section but it got closed. My country forbids buying and selling exotic animals (Brazil) and i found this girl in my backyard and decided to take care of her. I've been with her for around 1 year, molted in my care and has a very calm behavior. She used to be much more brown before the moult. A zoologist from my University said she was an Achantoscurria, but many people disagreed. I hope someone can help.
According to some brazilian acquaintances, here's what I gather:

There a few Acanthoscurria species that lives in southeast, specifically, Sao Paulo. A. gomesiana and A. paulensis are the most common ones and, as for Vitalius spp., if I remember correctly, V. dubius and V. buercheli.

Here's the catch, though, visually speaking, both Vitalius are easy to get confused. Not only this, A. gomesiana can also be pretty similar to these Vitalius. Tmk, most experience brazilian keepers use carapace and sternum shapes, fovea and, of course, spermatheca.

All that said, based on the convex sternum, I'd say this is an A. gomesiana.
According to some brazilian acquaintances, here's what I gather:

There a few Acanthoscurria species that lives in southeast, specifically, Sao Paulo. A. gomesiana and A. paulensis are the most common ones and, as for Vitalius spp., if I remember correctly, V. dubius and V. buercheli.

Here's the catch, though, visually speaking, both Vitalius are easy to get confused. Not only this, A. gomesiana can also be pretty similar to these Vitalius. Tmk, most experience brazilian keepers use carapace and sternum shapes, fovea and, of course, spermatheca.

All that said, based on the convex sternum, I'd say this is an A. gomesiana.
I have a picture of the spermatheca posting it below

Media information

Tarantula Identification
Added by
Thalles Henrique
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asus ASUS_X00QD
Focal length
3.9 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
3.7 MB
Date taken
Sun, 01 March 2020 3:55 PM
4032px x 3024px

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