Sold as Poecilotheria striata [2/2]

Sold as Poecilotheria striata [2/2]

Sold as P. striata. This was two molts ago but coloration has stayed the same (upload zoomed in shot also). The cream colors on upper portion (by lungs) has me concerned not striata. All P. striata photos for comparison are solid black.
This has been a bit of contention. The true answer I think is we just don’t know. It could very well be a striata/regalis hybrid. However, many users here have had striata show faint ventral abdominal banding, that fades/disappears as it ages.
How large is the specimen??? That's VERY important and it looks to be a young P. striata. As it gets larger it will become a more solid black as what you would normally see in most P. striata.
How large is the specimen??? That's VERY important and it looks to be a young P. striata. As it gets larger it will become a more solid black as what you would normally see in most P. striata.
She is a little bigger than 5.5" DSL, and carapace to abdomen is 3.5".

I had plans to breed but I won't if I'm not 100%. The leg markings seem to not match up tho?

Posted more photos below (or above) in another reply. If it helps at all. Leg patterns really were where we paused on trying to figure it out.
This has been a bit of contention. The true answer I think is we just don’t know. It could very well be a striata/regalis hybrid. However, many users here have had striata show faint ventral abdominal banding, that fades/disappears as it ages.
The leg markings were where we really started to doubt it. The pattern doesn't match any of the photos we found.

Here's more photos

The photo where she has the huge bum and all splayed out on the glass was when I got her last year. I don't keep mine fat like that.
She is a little bigger than 5.5" DSL, and carapace to abdomen is 3.5".

I had plans to breed but I won't if I'm not 100%. The leg markings seem to not match up tho?
If you're not certain, than it certainly isn't worth the risk breeding as it's better to not risk the chances of hybrids. Also 5.5'' DLS is probably breedable, but very small for a P. striata in my opinion. Males are 6.5''-7'' in regular legspan (not DLS), so your female is going to be tiny in comparison to a MM. My female is 7'' and my mature male P. striata is exactly her size.
If you're not certain, than it certainly isn't worth the risk breeding as it's better to not risk the chances of hybrids. Also 5.5'' DLS is probably breedable, but very small for a P. striata in my opinion. Males are 6.5''-7'' in regular legspan (not DLS), so your female is going to be tiny in comparison to a MM. My female is 7'' and my mature male P. striata is exactly her size.
I'm right there with you! I'll see how next molt goes, size and check markings again. I won't breed if any doubt. My male is much smaller still and I'd rather ship him once he matures and do a loan than risk it.

Pokies are so hard because you know hybrids probably exist and I'd hate to play into watering down the species more. I was hesitant to post for fear of being lit of fire haha

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Tarantula Identification
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samsung SM-G965U
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
File size
1.1 MB
Date taken
Fri, 30 August 2019 8:19 PM
1020px x 1424px

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