Thats most likely an Aphonopelma spp. - probably seemanni. I wouldn't compare it to Acanthoscurria... look at the stripes on the patella, much too bright for most Acanthoscurria, also the joints/area around the carapace is very bright.
But I've never seen any of the striped Acanthoscurria in real life, so I may be wrong. I have a seemanni sitting next to me, looking very, very similiar...
Thats most likely an Aphonopelma spp. - probably seemanni. I wouldn't compare it to Acanthoscurria... look at the stripes on the patella, much too bright for most Acanthoscurria, also the joints/area around the carapace is very bright.
But I've never seen any of the striped Acanthoscurria in real life, so I may be wrong. I have a seemanni sitting next to me, looking very, very similiar...
I did think it might be seemanni but it is mostly jet black other than the few redish/brown hairs on the abdomen. Also the spinnerets are not brown, and the underside is also jet black. I was told it came in with an import from Chile.
I did think it might be seemanni but it is mostly jet black other than the few redish/brown hairs on the abdomen. Also the spinnerets are not brown, and the underside is also jet black. I was told it came in with an import from Chile.
My seemanni is jet black, too. Only the abdominal hairs are reddish and the stripes range from a yellow/earth color to white/gray, depending on post/premoult status. You're right about the underside and the spinnerets, though - guess it isn't seemanni after all!
I know this post is five years old, but I'm almost positive this is a Lasiodorides striatus from Peru. I don't know if the poster is still around or if he ever had it correctly identified but I thought I'd put in my two cents.
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