

Was it labeled with a common name or anything at all?
She was sold to me as a Pamphobeteus vespertinus lol which I immediately doubted. So now I’m trying to figure out what she really is since I haven’t seen a T like her before. I think the first commenter is onto something with Sericopelma though
She is 100% a sericopelma santa catalina no mistaking it

Looks just like my Dani 😊 very nice one too 🧡
What´s about AZUERO?

This how the mess starts!
Fair enough, I assume when the t moults op will be able to tell what genus and species if the t is a female. Still going with santa catalina though.

Can I ask what makes you think it's not? I always enjoy learning new things from you 😊
Fair enough, I assume when the t moults op will be able to tell what genus and species if the t is a female. Still going with santa catalina though.
If i understand you right, you can not name a propper feature that the OP can use to distinguish these two species (ST. CATALINA / AZUERO) and proof your "100 %-guess".
Sorry, thats a logic i can not follow.
If i understand you right, you can not name a propper feature that the OP can use to distinguish these two species (ST. CATALINA / AZUERO) and proof your "100 %-guess".
Sorry, thats a logic i can not follow.
I am not familiar with the azuero my SO has one but its not one I have ever kept myself and have only seen pics of his, n tbh I thought you were just using it as an example and just picking a random pamphobeteus with similar colours.
I was genuinely asking how you can tell the difference as I said I am not familiar with the azuero so i dont know the difference apart from i assume they would have different spermatheca or bulb formation but obviously you cant tell bulb formation from a moult or as far as i know you can't so i went with spermatheca. I wasn't being funny, you've never steered me wrong before so I was curious to know how you can tell. Clearly I didn't word myself right.
I am not familiar with the azuero my SO has one but its not one I have ever kept myself and have only seen pics of his, n tbh I thought you were just using it as an example and just picking a random pamphobeteus with similar colours.
I was genuinely asking how you can tell the difference as I said I am not familiar with the azuero so i dont know the difference apart from i assume they would have different spermatheca or bulb formation but obviously you cant tell bulb formation from a moult or as far as i know you can't so i went with spermatheca. I wasn't being funny, you've never steered me wrong before so I was curious to know how you can tell. Clearly I didn't word myself right.
Just realised you meant sericopelma azuero and only because I googled it I am not familiar with this sp at all didn't even know it existed till they popped up when I googled it I thought you ment pamphobeteus like the op said not sericopelma. Just another sp I need to learn about the af's are gorgeous.

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