b. Smithi male or female?

b. Smithi male or female?

B. Smithi, about 2 inches in body length. I was thinking male, but after this latest molt now I’m not sure.
I swear I just did this myself. I was certain I had a male T. then it molted female. At this size, it does look female to me as well. Where you not able to get the last molt? I understand if it was too small or mangled. Anyway, looks more female than male.
I swear I just did this myself. I was certain I had a male T. then it molted female. At this size, it does look female to me as well. Where you not able to get the last molt? I understand if it was too small or mangled. Anyway, looks more female than male.
Too mangled. Well its Kind of a nice surprise if it’s female . I had 2 about the same size , but the other died for some unknown reason last year, and I was kind of bummed the remaining one was looking male.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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