Avicularia pic 1

Avicularia pic 1

Hi, can anyone sex the avicularia I just got from a pet shop, cricket box for scale :/
Well this is certainly not an Avicularia sp.
Considering both pictures, to me it looks like it could be a juvenile or subadult male Lasiodora parahybana
Well this is certainly not an Avicularia sp.
Considering both pictures, to me it looks like it could be a juvenile or subadult male Lasiodora parahybana
Oh wow really? It was sold to me as a pink toe! Is there anyway I can double check as I have this in an aboreal set up so I'll have to change to a terrestrial asap
Oh wow really? It was sold to me as a pink toe! Is there anyway I can double check as I have this in an aboreal set up so I'll have to change to a terrestrial asap
100% certain not an Avicularia

the body shape of a terrestrial spider like yours is very different from arboreal tarantulas, get it out of that setup as soon as possible
just compare the pictures from the Avicularia genus gallery: https://arachnoboards.com/gallery/categories/avicularia.15/
with one from a terrestrials like the Lasiodora genus: https://arachnoboards.com/gallery/categories/lasiodora.37/
100% certain not an Avicularia

the body shape of a terrestrial spider like yours is very different from arboreal tarantulas, get it out of that setup as soon as possible
just compare the pictures from the Avicularia genus gallery: https://arachnoboards.com/gallery/categories/avicularia.15/
with one from a terrestrials like the Lasiodora genus: https://arachnoboards.com/gallery/categories/lasiodora.37/
Pretty convinced after looking up the species yeah, thanks so much, got him in a temp terrestrial setup while I set up a proper one. Gonna go back to the stupid place that told me otherwise too and let them know!! I did find it sus when he was in an aboreal setup there with no webbing ..
that's a pretty bad sign when it comes to the store...
Yep, it's a local jollyes. I haven't seen them have many Ts and this is the first I got from them because I thought it looked beautiful and I had some leftover setups. Never again.. :/ I have plenty of other good breeders anyway.

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Image metadata

Google Pixel 6 Pro
Focal length
6.8 mm
Exposure time
File size
1.4 MB
Date taken
Fri, 03 June 2022 1:26 PM
4080px x 3072px

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