Aphono. ssp

Aphono. ssp

Need help IDing this Aphono. ssp....was caught in the Jemez Mnts of NM.
I found this Aphonopelma Ssp in the Jemez Mtns of NM. This tarantula is a female...when we found her burrow...there were also some slings there as well. She is about 3.5". When found she was a cinnamon tan color....she molted about a month after being collected. When she molted...she was the color you see in the pic. The slings do the same color change in between molts. She is pretty aggressive. She eats quite a bit. She is different than the other aphonos. in the collection. Have been back to the same area several times, have never seen another like her, either have people living in that area.

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