Acanthoscurria geniculata
The Spider House

Acanthoscurria geniculata

Moult collage. 18cm DLS AF.
man, i knew we would catch you in the act one day

totally using a strechy ruler and photographing it at an angle to make the spider appear smaller than it really is, it even says so on the damn thing

"flexible" , the nerve


jokes aside, a nice spider indeed
how old is it?
man, i knew we would catch you in the act one day

totally using a strechy ruler and photographing it at an angle to make the spider appear smaller than it really is, it even says so on the damn thing

"flexible" , the nerve


jokes aside, a nice spider indeed
how old is it?
'Flexible' as in it can be bent without shattering 🤣 and moult a few days in and dry. Nothing like the size of my big girl (Genie) I had which used a dress makers tape measure so hope that is a more acceptable neasuting device 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for compliment on the spider 😊

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