Acanthoscurria geniculata freshly molted
I just can't get over the beauty of these Ts.. I feel like they don't get the credit that they deserve. The blacks and whites contrast is gorgeous, especially with the red abdomen and blue hue in the carapace. They also eat like champs obviously and grow like weed. One of my all time favs.
Beautiful T, but I gotta disagree with the not getting enough credit stuff. Do a wide open search of the boards on "genic" and you get 30 pages of results without going even a year into the past. The Acanthoscurria genus gallery has 1K pics - 99% of which are of one species. Google the species and you can run through page after page after page of hits. I believe they are well represented by the genic fanatics out there - it's hard to think of a species that gets more shine by it's fans. It's a little 😨 - genics are on pace to take over the world... 🤣
Beautiful T, but I gotta disagree with the not getting enough credit stuff. Do a wide open search of the boards on "genic" and you get 30 pages of results without going even a year into the past. The Acanthoscurria genus gallery has 1K pics - 99% of which are of one species. Google the species and you can run through page after page after page of hits. I believe they are well represented by the genic fanatics out there - it's hard to think of a species that gets more shine by it's fans. It's a little 😨 - genics are on pace to take over the world... 🤣
Lol perhaps you're right, but recently there's been this tendency to bash or dismiss certain species for being too common or too easy. Species commonly recommended to beginners are usually victims here lol, so in addition to A genic there's also T albo and G rosea. I've come across many people who think being too common makes them too boring or too mainstream, usually on Facebook though. Genics do get the praise I feel they deserve on this forum😁

And to be honest I don't fully disagree that some of the common species are overrated, but certainly not A geniculata. G rosea defo is, but that's not cause it's too common, more like cause it's too boring. Most of them are the avg brown pet rock that grows like it's frozen in time.. and if that's not enough they're ridiculously overpriced now. A geniculata is simply in a different league IMHO, even if they're all over the place😂

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samsung SM-S908W
Focal length
2.2 mm
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File size
4.2 MB
Date taken
Tue, 18 July 2023 8:22 PM
2754px x 3440px

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