

My female wolf spider. I know they burrow but will she make her own borrow or should i make one for her? what substrate do you recommend I use for her to burrow? I am using some wet down sand and potting soil mix with small stones and dried pieces of grass
Did she come with the egg sac, or did she make it while in your possession? They usually dig a burrow to hide in while they make the sac, then she'll carry it around with her all the time until it's ready to hatch. You'll know hatching time is close when she builds a wall of webbing around herself to contain the slings and give them something to climb on, but she'll carry them on her back for a couple weeks immediately after they emerge from the sac.

The substrate and setup you have sounds fine - I wouldn't change anything now while she's carrying the sac. She won't really be interested in eating either, so don't bother feeding her.
Did she come with the egg sac, or did she make it while in your possession? They usually dig a burrow to hide in while they make the sac, then she'll carry it around with her all the time until it's ready to hatch. You'll know hatching time is close when she builds a wall of webbing around herself to contain the slings and give them something to climb on, but she'll carry them on her back for a couple weeks immediately after they emerge from the sac.

The substrate and setup you have sounds fine - I wouldn't change anything now while she's carrying the sac. She won't really be interested in eating either, so don't bother feeding her.
Thank you so much for helping me. I found her with the egg sac but she was wondering out in the open driveway.
She'll be fine, just keep her in a quiet place and enjoy observing her, but don't bother her too much. If you don't already have one, make sure there's a small water dish for her to drink from if needed. I did the same thing with a female I found a few months ago, only she made the sac while I had her. Once all the babies were independent, they all got released back outside.

She'll be fine, just keep her in a quiet place and enjoy observing her, but don't bother her too much. If you don't already have one, make sure there's a small water dish for her to drink from if needed. I did the same thing with a female I found a few months ago, only she made the sac while I had her. Once all the babies were independent, they all got released back outside.

Sounds good. Thank you so much for your advice!

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