4” B. Albiceps

4” B. Albiceps

Any guesses?
I'm still leaning male on this one. At 4" DLS, females often have a row of white/gray setae along the forward/top lip of the epigastric furrow - which is absent here. Each spider is unique, though, so it'll be interesting to see what you find when it molts. Please remember to update this if you can.
I'm still leaning male on this one. At 4" DLS, females often have a row of white/gray setae along the forward/top lip of the epigastric furrow - which is absent here. Each spider is unique, though, so it'll be interesting to see what you find when it molts. Please remember to update this if you can.
I definitely will! Thank you for your insight
I'm still leaning male on this one. At 4" DLS, females often have a row of white/gray setae along the forward/top lip of the epigastric furrow - which is absent here. Each spider is unique, though, so it'll be interesting to see what you find when it molts. Please remember to update this if you can.
Updating you on this- he just molted and it is confirmed male!

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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