3.5" P. irminia M or F?

3.5" P. irminia M or F?

This one is 3.5" but destroyed the molt. Just re-housed today. At this size, if they are female would they be jet black? I'm thinking it could be a male based on the coloration at the size (still brownish). What do you think based on that and the ventral, M or F?
@cold blood @The Grym Reaper

Also I've had it since September, and it was about 1/2" and it's almost March and it's at 3.5" so I'm thinking male, grew fast. I don't know for sure though.
Females of this species actually tend to be the faster growers...that said, it looks like you have a male.

Never use growth rates as an assumption of sex...like never.

Prior to maturing, a male will look dorsally, pretty much just like a female, its only upon maturity that the sexual dimorphism is present.

I am betting next molt will see maturity.
Females of this species actually tend to be the faster growers...that said, it looks like you have a male.

Never use growth rates as an assumption of sex...like never.

Prior to maturing, a male will look dorsally, pretty much just like a female, its only upon maturity that the sexual dimorphism is present.

I am betting next molt will see maturity.
For sure. I definitely knew the maturing molt is the factor for sexual dimorphism. Just didn't know if there was any slight sexual dimorphism before that. Good to know growth rate isn't a factor. I thought male as well. If you or someone you know would like to breed this guy when he matures I can send him out. Thanks again.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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