

Pulchra "Morgana Mistress of Darkness" enjoying a nice fat (headless) Mario worm 😊
Love me some Pulchra. My first T. and the catalyst to my wife's growing displeasure of all the arachnid enclosures multiplying in our bedroom. Muahahahaha!
Love me some Pulchra. My first T. and the catalyst to my wife's growing displeasure of all the arachnid enclosures multiplying in our bedroom. Muahahahaha!
I was only getting one t now I have 16 tarantula and 11 true spiders 😆 luckily my son loves them and even has his own C.virsicolour and even more luckily my better half collects too so I have no one to rain me in 🤣🤣🤣 if I spot a t I like n ask should I get 1 the answer is always "be rude not to 😁"
I was only getting one t now I have 16 tarantula and 11 true spiders 😆 luckily my son loves them and even has his own C.virsicolour and even more luckily my better half collects too so I have no one to rain me in 🤣🤣🤣 if I spot a t I like n ask should I get 1 the answer is always "be rude not to 😁"
That's a great thing you got going. Nothing more rewarding than your spouse encouraging a hobby.

What's one of your favorite true spiders in your collection?
That's a great thing you got going. Nothing more rewarding than your spouse encouraging a hobby.

What's one of your favorite true spiders in your collection?
My favourite was my Tetchy bur unfortunately she recently passed she was a Tegeneria domestica just a common house spider really but she was my first spider and was amazing always webbing ate like a champ and was extremely laid back . Now I suppose my velvet spider Morticia I never see her apart from meal times but she is a beautiful looking spider and I think rarely seeing her makes it all the more special when I do 😊
N my partner doesn't live with me just very supportive of what I do,I am a very lucky lass 😁

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samsung SM-G780F
Focal length
5.4 mm
Exposure time
File size
1 MB
Date taken
Sat, 06 November 2021 6:45 PM
2536px x 2268px

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