I have been looking at these lately. I have always passed them by because of the reputation of being bitey but it's probably not true. Really good looking snakes
I have been looking at these lately. I have always passed them by because of the reputation of being bitey but it's probably not true. Really good looking snakes
They're nippy as babies but tame down well if you hold them while young. This one didn't have a lot of handling while young but I was able to tame her down from being bitey. Although she still has a big feeding response and has tried to get me during feedings. Highly recommend this species.
You are right on the money. Just handle it more over time and it will get comfortable. You can't really blame them. You could easily kill and eat it. Look at it the same as a crocodile. They can be "tame" but every atom in your body says run. If it doesn't, then Australia has a calling for you.
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