women killed by retic....


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Unfortunately it will be an issue in State!

:wall: :mad:
I'm very upset right now. No need to panic now because it's not even a government proposal but as the op posted, you can feel it coming. With Tim Kaine in office now I may really be screwed. Hey out of statee's I would strongly suggest you to fight this as well. The trade is going strong in VA and if it gets illegalized you will see the impact on whatever they illegalize in your own states. We NEED a strong central hobby and we need to help each other. They will illegalize much more than the 5 largest's.

Hey PBL I really love your points. May I please use them with the state government in case of a bill?


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
the main thing that bothers me about reading that list is the children that were killed by the snakes. i know even responsible pet owners have escapes, and if you have children, the possibility of a large snake killing a child in the home is always a danger.
That really bothers me too. But if you look at most dog and horse death victims you will notice a higher percentage of child deaths. The problem is that when people die of horse or dog death it isn't a human interest story. It's pretty much casual with little to no attention given. With snake fatalities you really hear about them because it plays on people's fears and destroys the image of snakes. The image is so distorted that it is automatic attention.
"When one person dies it is a tragedy, when a hundred do it is just a statistic." 9/11 for example. Did all of those or even a few get personal media attention? No. All the media did was show the images of the burning, who suspectedly did it, why they think they did it, evidence, eyewitness accounts and a projected death/missing number at the bottom. Little to no attention from the media was projected to the personal victims. If one man was killed by an Al Queda member that person's life, family and friends would be playing all day on every news channel and shown all over the internet.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
:wall: :mad:
I'm very upset right now. No need to panic now because it's not even a government proposal but as the op posted, you can feel it coming. With Tim Kaine in office now I may really be screwed. Hey out of statee's I would strongly suggest you to fight this as well. The trade is going strong in VA and if it gets illegalized you will see the impact on whatever they illegalize in your own states. We NEED a strong central hobby and we need to help each other. They will illegalize much more than the 5 largest's.

Hey PBL I really love your points. May I please use them with the state government in case of a bill?
UUUggghhh, this dailypress piece is pure hysterical dribble. They threw in the salmonella bs to panic the herds of sheep. Heck as we know, you can get salmonella anywhere. Ive always thought the salmonella thing was overrated crap. Ive been working reptiles literally my whole life, I have eaten lunch AFTER palpating crocs and forgotten to wash my hands and ate a hamburger one more than one occasion. My daughter has held snake after snake, lizard after lizard and not gotten it. Im not saying one cant contract salmonella but sheesh.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Another thing, i dont think its "our best interest" they are looking out for. What it is, is job security for the HSUS.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
they did euthanize the snake at the husbands request. it says that in the clip....


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
Haha, what a load of bull. Facts can lie, I say.

I'm betting their will be a push for a complete ban(by HSUS) pretty soon. And general public will support this. I think snake hobbyists and whatnot need to be very careful with the image of the hobby they present. Which is why I think that problems with constrictor snakes are not your own thing. You aren't in your own bubble and the things you do do affect others.

XBurntbythesun: Yes, it is very hard to draw a line. But by allowing for personal freedom one must assume that people know what they can handle.


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
i guess that is where i disagree. look at all the fatalities drunk driving and firearms cause. i just read an article about a 9 y/o child who died after losing control of an uzi at a gun show that boasted "no age limit required to shoot guns"

obviously tons of people do not know what is best for them in all sorts of different areas. that is a problem that is literally unfixable.

i think since there is no such thing as safety there is no reason to take freedoms away from people when they are the ones putting themselves (more often then not) at risk.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
i guess that is where i disagree. look at all the fatalities drunk driving and firearms cause. i just read an article about a 9 y/o child who died after losing control of an uzi at a gun show that boasted "no age limit required to shoot guns"

obviously tons of people do not know what is best for them in all sorts of different areas. that is a problem that is literally unfixable.

i think since there is no such thing as safety there is no reason to take freedoms away from people when they are the ones putting themselves (more often then not) at risk.
if we are talkin about that little boy at gun range he was 8yrs old and i dont care who is supervising these kids.

plain and simple NO ONE under 21 yrs of age should be allowed to shoot a good legally anywhere thats just my opinion.. and i think if his parents approved of him going to this gun range at 8yrs old they need the rest of their kids taking away from them. for good. that is the DUMBEST choice a parent or any adult could ever make.

They wasnt even helping the little boy HOLD/SHOOT the gun what did they expect to happen?

Sick. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :? :? :? :? :mad: :mad:


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
if we are talkin about that little boy at gun range he was 8yrs old and i dont care who is supervising these kids.

plain and simple NO ONE under 21 yrs of age should be allowed to shoot a good legally anywhere thats just my opinion.. and i think if his parents approved of him going to this gun range at 8yrs old they need the rest of their kids taking away from them. for good. that is the DUMBEST choice a parent or any adult could ever make.

They wasnt even helping the little boy HOLD/SHOOT the gun what did they expect to happen?

Sick. :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed: :? :? :? :? :mad: :mad:
I believe in responsibility and proper teaching. Not regulations. Many families live off of hunting. What if dad gets sick? Why can't the fourteen year old support his family. However if he shoots someone or himself I believe in a court case. If he's causing no commotion than why make it illegal? A large portion of our military is under 21 and they get right into the military after high school. You're going to tell them they can't protect their bothers and sisters? You're going to tell them that they will get a shortage of soldiers and have to enforce a draft pick of people without their hearts and souls into the military? Seriously where the heck are you getting 21 from?


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
i've shot firearms safely since i was 11 or 12 years old. just b/c some idiot let their child die doesn't mean the rights of other people should be taken away. if i had children i wouldn't want your or the government or anyone else telling me if i should let my child shoot a firearm. this is my whole point, there is no safety in this world but there is a serious difference between having personal freedoms and not having them.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I believe in responsibility and proper teaching. Not regulations. Many families live off of hunting. What if dad gets sick? Why can't the fourteen year old support his family. However if he shoots someone or himself I believe in a court case. If he's causing no commotion than why make it illegal? A large portion of our military is under 21 and they get right into the military after high school. You're going to tell them they can't protect their bothers and sisters? You're going to tell them that they will get a shortage of soldiers and have to enforce a draft pick of people without their hearts and souls into the military? Seriously where the heck are you getting 21 from?
Live off of hunting? so lets just say everything they need to kill to live off of huntin dies what they gonna shoot next? different animals? we aint gonna have many animals left we left them shoot the wild ones we have..everything going to be on an endangered list lol.....

When they go into the US forces they are TRAINED and they are very much NOT 8yrs old or are 10, 11, 12, or 13 or 14 yrs old... they are at least 18.

Friendly fire in the army and so on is sometimes unavoidable and its expected to happen because soldiers go crazy and shoot their teammates or kill their self. or they become traitors and do it. that kind of stuff can happen and usually does a one or two time before a war is over.

Giving any CHILD a gun more likely than not he is going to kill/hurt his self or someone else...Cause you can bet if i ever see a lil kid with a real gun he wont be standing near me....

This little boy wasnt anywhere near 18 yrs old and as I said again..This was my opinion I didnt say they HAVE to make it 21 years old...but thats just like why i dont understand why alcohol and ciggerettes carry age difference to buy either way teenagers are going to get their hands on both. minds well lower the drinking age to 18 but they arent gonna do that no time soon...

Clearly this little boy had NO training at all and of course he didnt cause he is still a child that needs to be doing child activities and shooting REAL guns for any reason isnt what kids should be doing just because they see their dad, mother etc doing it.

See you even said your self there is a chance he may shoot his self or another person why let him risk the chance of shooting another person? and a 14 yr old boy cant take care of a whole family thats just not realistic this day in age.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
i've shot firearms safely since i was 11 or 12 years old. just b/c some idiot let their child die doesn't mean the rights of other people should be taken away. if i had children i wouldn't want your or the government or anyone else telling me if i should let my child shoot a firearm. this is my whole point, there is no safety in this world but there is a serious difference between having personal freedoms and not having them.

No safety in this world? what are you talkin about? lol..... that little boy could have been SAFELY out of harms way had he not even been around that gun range. this WHOLE situation could have been avoided.

and if people like our vice president can shoot others by accident and he is an adult we definitely dont need kids doing it....regardless of any age unless they are 18 or above...

But again thats just my decision....And i have also noticed that MANY fire arm accidents in the home happen because parents dont lock up their guns and ammo well enough and kids get into them and shoot each other or their self.

Because some parents (not all) think "of my son doesnt know where the gun is at" very niave....Then they end up with accidents.....I feel bad for every child/gun related accident but the less guns that are around children on purpose (in the home for "protection", hunting, to use at a gun range) the less accidents will happen.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Live off of hunting? so lets just say everything they need to kill to live off of huntin dies what they gonna shoot next? different animals? we aint gonna have many animals left we left them shoot the wild ones we have..everything going to be on an endangered list lol.....

When they go into the US forces they are TRAINED and they are very much NOT 8yrs old or are 10, or 13 or 14 yrs old... , 11, 12they are at least 18.

Friendly fire in the army and so on is sometimes unavoidable and its expected to happen because soldiers go crazy and shoot their teammates or kill their self. or they become traitors and do it. that kind of stuff can happen and usually does a one or two time before a war is over.

Giving any CHILD a gun more likely than not he is going to kill/hurt his self or someone else...Cause you can bet if i ever see a lil kid with a real gun he wont be standing near me....

This little boy wasnt anywhere near 18 yrs old and as I said again..This was my opinion I didnt say they HAVE to make it 21 years old...but thats just like why i dont understand why alcohol and ciggerettes carry age difference to buy either way teenagers are going to get their hands on both. minds well lower the drinking age to 18 but they arent gonna do that no time soon...

Clearly this little boy had NO training at all and of course he didnt cause he is still a child that needs to be doing child activities and shooting REAL guns for any reason isnt what kids should be doing just because they see their dad, mother etc doing it.

See you even said your self there is a chance he may shoot his self or another person why let him risk the chance of shooting another person? and a 14 yr old boy cant take care of a whole family thats just not realistic this day in age.
Dude, do all of us a favor and do some research. Never will everything die off. Deer in my state have no predators so hunters actually are the main cause of the healthy populations. Historically about 150 years ago the Gray Wolf became extinct here and as soon as the settlers came the Cougars in VA became extinct here. All were because the settlers felt threatened by the imposing and strange predators. The settlers didn't have anything like that in Europe. Deer populations aren't getting preyed upon. In rare circumstances a large male Black Bear may take a baby but a healthy herd could easily run the bear off. Black Bears are scared of everything. I've had experience with young males on my property. I have a natural male stature and have easily run off 200 pound plus bears. So in short, it is up to us to hunt the deer. All the people in VA history that have died from weapontry would have been about 10% of who would have died from deer if we were regulated. So it benifited even with the tragedy. Deer kill over two times as many people in the U.S. than all the native predators combined. This is due mainly to vehicular accidents caused by the deer. A U.S fish and game survey taken in the registered federal forests actually found that populations of the forests that didn't allow hunting actually had less wildlife than those that did. Hunting keeps populations healthy if done in the legal seasons. 25% more of bear cubs in hunted populations actually make it to adulthood than those that aren't hunted. This is contributed to the adult males [The most prized by hunters.] overpowering the mother, killing and eating the cubs. Your little facts are typical of a city boy. Next chance you get go into the country and talk to the ole' country bumkins and get to know them. We really are nice people!
I know you have to be eighteen for the military. I said that when you said know one under 21 has any business with a gun.
What does any of this have to do with friendly fire? Are you actually implying that the military shouldn't use weapons? :wall: The benifits of military weapons definitely outway the risks. {D
Children don't get guns because they don't register. They use their parent's. I do believe there already are rules of moderating children and weapons. Once again, its a responsibility of the people thing. The boy failed to be moderated. It is very rare for that to happen and I'm sure people have been charged. I'm saying it is responsibility of an adult to moderate not responsibility of government. Please read more about hunting. It is a good thing. Take some ventures into the wild and talk to people. You'll like it. We are really laid back people.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
I've got an idea, talk about guns in The Watering Hole, talk about the snakes here.