Which tarantulas do you regret buying?


Jun 20, 2014
I don't regret my Porteri. Even though I plan to get more colorful species down the line one of the reasons I'll always favor my Porteri is that she's always out while many other species hide in their burrows a lot. Mine also has a nice pink/red hue on the top of the carapace so that adds some beauty :)
Well man like we all seem to concede here, nobody regrets any T. I certainly don't regret her. I simply mean upon further research I learned there were other species that seemed more My "ideal T".

But my Rose hair. She's got a shiny pink hue, you just have to look real close to see it. But she's my first T and as such is special to me. She put up with a lot of newbie crap from me. Avic too, as I got him only 5 days later.

So they were my left and right training wheels, and both ended up making me research..... EVEN MORE Ts TO BUY! :D

I got 2 L.P.s after. So clearly colorful isn't a requirement. They were my decision as to my well rounded out T desires. And they both were active and ate..... and then the booth became pet dirt and holes.

Don't regret them either. I think I'm witnessing my first tarantula pre molts with them anyways. Took 3 months to see!

Now I've got slings under me. And I definitely don't regret that! Slow growing be damned these guys are funny and easy!


Mar 4, 2014
I would have said my Pampho Macala. I spent quite a bit for her and she was always hidden. For a big girl she can really tuck herself away. And then one day this week she was out on top of her hide. In broad daylight. First time in months. And she's just beautiful. That crazy-colored carapace...those purply legs...no, I have no regrets.


Old Timer
Mar 30, 2009
I sometimes regret buying ones I hoped were females but turned out to be males..


Feb 13, 2014
I sometimes regret buying ones I hoped were females but turned out to be males..
Look on the bright side you will be doing the following things when you get males:
A) When you sell him/send him out to breed you are helping a species that might not exist in the wild soon stay alive in captivity
B) Gives you the opportunity to get more slings of the species
C) You can trade said slings for cool new slings
D) You can buy cool things/slings with money you get for said male

I understand it's a bummer but I'd really wish people would stop feeling so negatively about males, they are very important even if they don't live long.


Jun 20, 2014
Look on the bright side you will be doing the following things when you get males:
A) When you sell him/send him out to breed you are helping a species that might not exist in the wild soon stay alive in captivity
B) Gives you the opportunity to get more slings of the species
C) You can trade said slings for cool new slings
D) You can buy cool things/slings with money you get for said male

I understand it's a bummer but I'd really wish people would stop feeling so negatively about males, they are very important even if they don't live long.

I've decided recently I really don't care either way unless there's a huge color difference. Males are almost a blessing in that they pass sooner, gives me an empty enclosure and a reason to buy a new T whenever he passes.

Males need love too!

It may be a hobby, and a collection, but these little buggers are my pets too still. And I'll love them all, even the boys. :3


Feb 3, 2012
My only regretful T purchase wasn't due to my lack of interest in the T, but due to what my (then) lack of experience caused. I bought a GORGEOUS adult female P. lugardi back when I was new-ish to the hobby. I saw her at the local exotics shop and just had to have her. I wish I hadn't been so impulsive and had done some research before taking her home. She was way more than I could handle at that point-- raising up and striking at everything. I put her into an enclosure with too little substrate and she spent a lot of time climbing the walls trying to escape, as the substrate that she did have was too moist. I finally did some research and figured out that her living conditions were less-than-stellar, but I was too afraid of her to remedy things. After several days of her climbing the walls of her enclosure and falling back down, I came home to find her in a death curl. I really, really wish that I had not been so impulsive and taken home a T that I couldn't handle. I would love to have her in my collection today as she was an absolutely stunning specimen and I now have the experience to know how to care for defensive OW species. When I see people who are new to the hobby, who have a B. smithi and a GBB (or whatever) talking about how bad they want to get an OBT, I always think of my unfortunate experience with my P. lugardi.

Ghost Dragon

Jan 8, 2014
No regrets for me either, but like Jterry said, I regret my lack of experience with 3 of my T's, one of whom I lost to a ruptured abdomen (fall) and two others from dehydration. Love 'em all thought, with my G. pulchra and B. emilia being my favourites so far. :)


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
I don't regret any of them. There were some species that I set out to get, then after keeping them awhile I just wasn't that impressed with them so traded/sold them. I've received some as freebies that didn't strike my fancy at first, but they became definite keepers. All of them were learning experiences and no regrets.

Beary Strange

Aug 30, 2013
My only regretful T purchase wasn't due to my lack of interest in the T, but due to what my (then) lack of experience caused. I bought a GORGEOUS adult female P. lugardi back when I was new-ish to the hobby. I saw her at the local exotics shop and just had to have her. I wish I hadn't been so impulsive and had done some research before taking her home. She was way more than I could handle at that point-- raising up and striking at everything. I put her into an enclosure with too little substrate and she spent a lot of time climbing the walls trying to escape, as the substrate that she did have was too moist. I finally did some research and figured out that her living conditions were less-than-stellar, but I was too afraid of her to remedy things. After several days of her climbing the walls of her enclosure and falling back down, I came home to find her in a death curl. I really, really wish that I had not been so impulsive and taken home a T that I couldn't handle. I would love to have her in my collection today as she was an absolutely stunning specimen and I now have the experience to know how to care for defensive OW species. When I see people who are new to the hobby, who have a B. smithi and a GBB (or whatever) talking about how bad they want to get an OBT, I always think of my unfortunate experience with my P. lugardi.
That's really heartbreaking, but thank you for sharing. I think this would make a very good example to show people who, like you said, think they can just jump into OWs. I know when I'm trying to dissuade them, it's just as much out of concern for the potential spider as it is for them and the hobby at large.


Aug 26, 2014
My M.balfouri only recently started coming out again for the first time since May. When I last saw her, the adult coloration was coming in, but was dingy...now she looks like a miniature adult, so that was pretty neat to just see sitting outside her burrow one day a couple weeks ago.
These are pet holes? This T is at the tippy-top of my short-list but I don't want youse my limited space on a pet hole. Do the adults remain in the ground too?
I love this thread; one can learn so much from other's mistakes.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
personaly i dont regret any. tho my picky eating a.avic does make me hate it a little bit but only when i have to remove pray XD had it for like 6months and only molted 2 times -.- gah my brachy's molt faster -.-


Feb 13, 2014
These are pet holes? This T is at the tippy-top of my short-list but I don't want youse my limited space on a pet hole. Do the adults remain in the ground too?
I love this thread; one can learn so much from other's mistakes.
I don't think any M.balfouri is a mistake, I see my sling out several times a week out of its hole, there is always variation in a species.

personaly i dont regret any. tho my picky eating a.avic does make me hate it a little bit but only when i have to remove pray XD had it for like 6months and only molted 2 times -.- gah my brachy's molt faster -.-
My avic is not picky but at after having it for over a year, it's only grown about 1.25 inches, my G.pulchripes is going to catch up at the rate its going.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Regret- My hell spawn...aka RCF G. rosea,

---------- Post added 08-31-2014 at 12:02 PM ----------

I don't think any M.balfouri is a mistake, I see my sling out several times a week out of its hole, there is always variation in a species.

My avic is not picky but at after having it for over a year, it's only grown about 1.25 inches, my G.pulchripes is going to catch up at the rate its going.

What species Avic is it ?


Feb 13, 2014
Regret- My hell spawn...aka RCF G. rosea,

---------- Post added 08-31-2014 at 12:02 PM ----------

What species Avic is it ?
versicolor, from what I read they are one of the slower growing of the genus. I can't really complain about a little blue tarantula that is out all of the time though.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
My avic is not picky but at after having it for over a year, it's only grown about 1.25 inches, my G.pulchripes is going to catch up at the rate its going.
-.-i had it so long.. its a picky **** too has to be prekilled. it wont eat crix. must be a roach either lat or dubia, has to be hungry too [even for b. lat pinheads] and it eats like once a month but its like 1" kills me lmao.. bout to put it in a 32ozcup and hope thatl help its attitude. XD he has webbed a mat on his lil cork leaned. and thats it he has plant leafs to help anchor but has no interest to do anything but poop on them XD and i was told brachy where a pain on growth XD if this avic keeps it up itl hit its mature molt in 30 years lmao
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Feb 13, 2014
-.-i had it so long.. its a picky **** too has to be prekilled. it wont eat crix. must be a roach either lat or dubia, has to be hungry too [even for b. lat pinheads] and it eats like once a month but its like 1" kills me lmao.. bout to put it in a 32ozcup and hope thatl help its attitude. XD he has webbed a mat on his lil cork leaned. and thats it he has plant leafs to help anchor but has no interest to do anything but poop on them XD and i was told brachy where a pain on growth XD if this avic keeps it up itl hit its mature molt in 30 years lmao
I've had mine in a 32oz since it was 1/2 and it seems to be just fine in there. Yes it's a total slob and grows slow but at least it destroys crickets gleefully.