When is a good time for a "beginner" to go for a Psalmopoeus irminia?


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
OJ, what would you consider the slowest Psalmo? Or at least least likely to dash? Obviously different from specimen to specimen but none-the-less.

Just curious if there is one from the Genus!
P cam, then pulcher then irminia of the most common Psalmos. I've owned the last 2, and heard enough from CB that P cam are the most easy going of the 3.


Apr 13, 2020
P cam, then pulcher then irminia of the most common Psalmos. I've owned the last 2, and heard enough from CB that P cam are the most easy going of the 3.
I've been looking into ecclesiasticus. Ever keep them?

Btw thanks for the info. Not sure when but that Genus is odds on going to be my first arboreal....at least at the moment. LOL!


Oct 20, 2019
OJ, what would you consider the slowest Psalmo? Or at least least likely to dash? Obviously different from specimen to specimen but none-the-less.

Just curious if there is one from the Genus!
In my personal experience, P. reduncus is very laid back! I've heard that from a couple other keepers as well.


Gen. 1:24-25
Arachnosupporter +
Jul 18, 2017
that's a good one! you're absolutely right. It never hurts to ask long time keepers tho :). I'm pretty sure I'm able to handle the sling and will be experienced enough to care for it when it'll be an adult.

I'm a long time lurker and love it when u and testdasi clash together. I'm on your side and don't like to go full reckless mode. :D

thanks to all of you for your great replies, makes me even more confident!
I appreciate your response, but I do wish to clarify. Please don’t take my response as a criticism of asking questions about a particular genera or species. My point was that after receiving input about the sider(s) in question, it can only be up to your own determination of your confidence to deal with it. My own subjective opinion is that given your thoughtfulness regarding the matter, and openness to input, you’re probably ready to take on the endeavor.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2012
Have you thought about getting a cambridgei instead? It’s probably my favorite T I own, always out and active and looks very cool.


Nov 1, 2019
Have you thought about getting a cambridgei instead? It’s probably my favorite T I own, always out and active and looks very cool.
In my personal opinion, irminia is one of the most beautiful tarantulas, so I had to go with an irminia! The sling already arrived :)


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2012
In my personal opinion, irminia is one of the most beautiful tarantulas, so I had to go with an irminia! The sling already arrived :)
I agree with that statement. I was trying to decide between irminia and cambridgei a few years ago and everyone talked me into cambridgei because irminia have a tendency to be reclusive. Hopefully yours isn’t a hider as is grows because they are striking. If you decide on another down the road take a long look at the cambridgei. It’s not as flashy looking but they are still super cool in person (way more so than what you see in pictures) and mine has its own little personality about her.


Arachnosupporter +
Sep 5, 2016
Pokies are an excellent transition genus if you want to expand to Psalmos..,,,

This was meant to be humorous,aka joking.
Last edited:


Old Timer
May 26, 2008
Pokies are an excellent transition genus if you want to expand to Psalmos..,,,
Could not agree more so I add this "I agree with you" post in additional to my "Agree" upvote. :rofl:
I agree with you.


Arachno search engine
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2003
Everyone's experiences are different...

My P. irminia was fairly laid back, while my Poecilotheria were quite high strung.


Oct 29, 2017
Just to clarify, the YOU in this spiel is a generic address to everyone, not a specific poster.

For 18 years on and off keeping T's I've been permanently mystified by the whole "OW Into the Fear Zone" bit. Assuming you don't stick these poor creatures in tiny boxes where they've just got no line of retreat whatsoever (in which case I'd question your very reasoning for keeping T's other than as trophies or like stamp collecting), few if any T's just want to pull on the gloves and go a few rounds with you.

So how you tend to OW's should in theory be identical to how you tend to NW's. After all, NW's contain Phormitopus, P. irminias, T. blondi's/stirmi's, none of which you'd underestimate I presume. What I mean is, it's hardly like you put on a bright orange wig and a red nose that honks when you tend to your NW's and deliberately make clumsy gestures and drop things right? No, you employ care and attention (hopefully) and CAUTION because you don't want to damage the T nor do you want to create the very outside chance where it could damage you.

To my mind then, careful, measured behavior is a prerequisite of keeping all T's (and virtually any other kind of animal) and to have one batch tagged as the harmless cheery, happy to see you bunch and the other batch as the Rikers Island Serial Killers seems ludicrous to me.


Mar 12, 2018
OJ, what would you consider the slowest Psalmo? Or at least least likely to dash? Obviously different from specimen to specimen but none-the-less.

Just curious if there is one from the Genus!
Sorry just saw this, you should have @'d me

The slowest Psalmo is the one in premolt. My pulcher is a spaz and will scramble and run in 3 direction at once when I open her deli cup - though she is out in her webbing often - more so now that she is premolt, she's a literal cow
My irminia is the queen of not being seen, same as my Tapi as of late. These are great pretenders but don't think for a minute they are not keen to spring into action

I have not kept any other non-avic arboreals other than P burgessi, who likes to venture out and stay out, and P gigas, I have two of them and they are fast fast fast but big hiders like P irminia

My next arboreals will be pokies

That being said, I'm picking up a 6" regalis female and a 4" unsexed irminia tomorrow and on the hunt for a hoard of P met slings

FWIW, 03arachnids has extended the deadline for orders of they pre-import sale. There are some interesting sp in there at better than retail prices