What are the signs of a stressed Tarantula?


Jul 12, 2022
So.. what are the possible most dire consequences of overstressing your Tarantula? Say, gentle species like Brachypelma.
Halloween wasn't that long ago, so the dead will rise!!!

My family keeps a lot of 'gentle' species, and they do have marked behavior changes when they are stressed, such as when we were doing remodeling about 9 months back and everything in the house was rattling from the drilling and hammering. We didn't think the Ts would care, but they did. Here's some of what our Ts did, according to our T journal, Brachys included:
- Enter stress curls, like Andrea82 mentioned.
- Burrow when they usually did not, or stay in their burrows for up to a week or so after the construction completed.
- The Curly Hair (T. albo), Red Rump (T. vagans), L. parahybanas, and Red Knee (B. hamorii) began to toss more hairs onto their webs or around their burrows.
- Become more defensive (our Old Worlds especially), throwing threat poses more often when people walked by.
- Seal their burrow (Our Ceratogyrus did this)
- Refuse food (Golden Blue Leg/ H. pulcripes, Fire Leg/ B. boehmei, B. hamorii, and T. albo)

These are some of the signs we saw of stress, but I'm sure there are others, depending on what species you have and what the irritation might be. I hope these details help with identifying stress for the future, in addition to what others are posting.


ArachnoViking, Conqueror of Poikilos and Therion
Old Timer
Nov 15, 2010
I just rehoused a C lividus about a week and a half ago maybe. She is sealed up in her hide in what is being called the stress curl. She’s fat and otherwise healthy, just new enclosure. It may take a month it may take 3 months but so long as the T is getting optimal husbandry, it will be fine.