WARNING- HR6311 now HR669


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
Some jerk tries to pass that bill every couple of years. It never happens. If it did then might as well ban pitbulls,rots, dobermans, etc..etc..

There is the potential for any pet to become aggressive as a result of mistreatment. Some of the meanest dogs I have seen have been little tiny dogs.

While I think there should be some rule to owning big snakes (a lot of people mistreat them) I am not sure how they would go about it. For as many people that mistreat big snakes there are more people that take damn good care of them!!

just my 2 cents!!


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Some jerk tries to pass that bill every couple of years. It never happens. If it did then might as well ban pitbulls,rots, dobermans, etc..etc..

There is the potential for any pet to become aggressive as a result of mistreatment. Some of the meanest dogs I have seen have been little tiny dogs.

While I think there should be some rule to owning big snakes (a lot of people mistreat them) I am not sure how they would go about it. For as many people that mistreat big snakes there are more people that take damn good care of them!!

just my 2 cents!!
I agree for the most part. But bills like this to me are like the annual high school bomb threat. You have to take it seriously every time! Now that we are run by democrats it is scarier.


Jun 1, 2003

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Jun 1, 2003
NO on HR669 / Grassroots Organizing 101

NO on HR669 / Grassroots Organizing 101

OK everyone just take a deep breath.... we need to look at this problem objectively. This is not the time to panic, it is not the time to get emotional, but it is time for thoughtful, deliberate action!

If you have been listening to USARK for very long, you knew that this was coming. Many were of the opinion that HR6311 was dead. USARK warned that although it was dead for 2008 it would be reintroduced in 2009. Now we have the newest version, HR669. Now the question becomes: What is the Herp Community going to do about it?

Let's look at the history of HR669:

It began in 2007 with a petition from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to USFWS to add Boa, Python and Eunectes to the 'Injurious Wildlife List' of the Lacey Act. That was followed by a Notice of Inquiry published in the Federal Register calling for public comment in early 2008. This constituted the first step in a 'potential' Rule Change to the Lacey Act. This process is under way and can take up to 4 years to effect an actual Rule Change. It is not over. This is still being processed by USFWS.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Defenders of Wildlife, unhappy with the pace of progress with a 'potential' Rule Change to the Lacey Act, convince a group of US House members to introduce a bill based on a report written by Defenders of Wildlife called Broken Screens. In July of 2008 HR6311 is introduced into the US House of Representatives. Marshall Myers of PIJAC is present and makes an eloquent point by point rebuttal of the Bill. Because of so many other pressing issues HR6311 dies in the Natural Resources Committee it was assigned to.
USARK warns that even though HR6311 is dead for the legislative session it will be revived in 2009. USARK initiates a petition against HR6311 October 2008.
January 2009 HR6311 is reintroduced as HR669. A group of 10 House members co-sponsor HR669 and it is assigned to the House Natural Resources Committee.
Facts about HR669:

If passed HR669 would end the import, purchase, sale, trade and breeding of many reptiles and amphibians including boa, python & eunectes. The following is an excerpt from the Bill.

(a) Prohibitions- Except as provided in this section or in section 7, it is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to--

(1) import into or export from the United States any nonnative wildlife species that is not included in the list of approved species issued under section 4;

(2) transport between any State by any means whatsoever any nonnative wildlife species that is not included in the list of approved species issued under section 4;

(3) violate any term or condition of a permit issued under section 7;

(4) possess (except as provided in section 3(f)), sell or offer to sell, purchase or offer to purchase, or barter for or offer to barter for, any nonnative wildlife species that is prohibited from being imported under paragraph (1);

(5) release into the wild any nonnative wildlife species that is prohibited from being imported under paragraph (1); or

(6) breed any nonnative wildlife species that is prohibited from being imported under paragraph (1), or provide any such species to another person for breeding purposes.

There are 10 sponsors for this Bill. That means this is serious. They want to pass this Bill. Some of sponsors have strong relationships to the HSUS.
HR669 has very little basis in scientific fact. There is no evidence to suggest that banning any of these animals will have any positive effects on the economy, environment, or human or animal species health.
What is certain is that passing HR669 would add to our country's economic decline and devastate American families and small businesses.
Your voice can make the difference in the defeat of HR669!
What can I do IMMEDIATELY to keep HR669 from passing?

Click sponsors name from list below and that will take you to their email portal.
Fill in subject field with 'OPPOSE HR669'
Cut and paste sample letter into body of email adding your own comments (or write your own letter).
Be brief, be polite, be articulate and DO NOT BE DISRESPECTFUL! This is extremely important!! If you can't do this don't bother to make contact.
Let them know how HR669 would effect you and your family.
Fill in your personal information.
Click SUBMIT button.
Send a separate email to hr669@yahoo.com with HR669in your in subject line so we can track the number of people participating.
Sponsors List:

Del. Bordallo
Rep. Napolitano
Rep. Kind
Rep. Grijalva
Rep. Kildee ** NO EMAIL
Rep. Klein
Rep. Hastings
Rep. Abercrombie
Rep. McGovern ** NO EMAIL
Rep. Miller
Sample Letter: Cut & paste letter.

Subject: Oppose HR669number

(Del or Rep Name),

I oppose HR669. This Bill is not based in science, but in the ideology of powerful special interest groups. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that banning the import, sale and trade of any of these animals will have any positive effect on the economy, environment, or human or animal species health.

In fact, if passed it would destroy many families and businesses. It would have a decidedly negative impact on an already ailing economy by destroying a vital and growing industry at a time when our country is in need of jobs and growth. The USFWS has just made changes to the CITES export permit process which would allow quality captive bred animals to be more easily exported to international customers. Passing HR669 would negate all the work USFWS has done for over a year. This Bill is a disaster to American small business and families in a time of economic hardship.

(tell in your own words- what you do and how passing this bill would hurt you and your family)

Please do not pass HR669.

Thank you,

(Your Name)

This is just the first step in a proven formula of grassroots politics used by groups such as the NRA and HSUS. Be ready to take the next step soon.
Educate yourself to the process.
If you haven't already signed, please sign our Petition Against HR669.
If you are not a paid member of USARK please join today! Fighting legislation like this takes members and money. We need your help to safeguard our Reptile Nation.
Don't forget to email hr669@yahoo.com when you're done so we know how many stood up and did their part.
***Please do this now and pass it on to everyone on your email list!!

Join USARK! There is Strength in Numbers... Protect Your Rights!

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Then do nothing and complain when your rights are taken away.
Where exactly did you get this notion that I'm doing nothing? I'm doing plenty, not that you asked - including warning people that internet petitions aren't going to accomplish anything here, so if they want to ACTUALLY help on this issue they'll have to take another course of action. I'm not sure why that offends you. It's the truth.


Jun 1, 2003
Warning- S373 Introduced into US Senate would BAN Import & Interstate Transport of Pythons

A new bill S373 has been introduced into the US Senate by Senator Bill Nelson of Florida. It would Ban the Import and Interstate Transport of the genus Python. In his introductory comments Senator Nelson used inflammatory language, and cited feral pythons in the Everglades and the USGS Map published By Rodda and Reed as his reasons for introducing federal legislation. His statements were sensational and inaccurate.

There is no credible scientific evidence to support wasting taxpayer’s time and money on this Bill. The only result if this bill was to pass is more harm to the US economy and its citizens. USARK is working closely with PIJAC to develop a strategy to move forward in dealing with this new threat to the families and small businesses that make up our community. A coordinated response will be in all of our best interest.

We are putting together a sample written response. USARK and PIJAC will not allow this to go unchallenged, but your help is required! These issues need to be responded to in writing and by as many people as possible. Right NOW, you can help by recruiting as many people as you know (herpers & non-herpers) to sign up on the USARK Mailing List. This will notify you the moment this response is ready. Or better yet, JOIN USARK's Reptile Nation and help make a difference! Do not wait... Act Now!!


Thank you for your support!!!

Andrew Wyatt

President USARK


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
I don't mean to be offense but the cold hard facts are that democrats have closer ties to Born Free USA, HSUS, and ASPCA. Every bill I've ever seen like this was 100% sponsored by democrats. They aren't all bad, every party has its faults.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Anyone know where to find the official text of S373? I've searched for it but keep coming up empty handed.


Old Timer
Jun 24, 2008
Does anyone think if we all started to e-mail the people who live large on the donations they collect for animal welfare like HSUS . If we all e-mailed these people with our withdrawl of any futher donations maybe they will think no more free money and will back off .


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Does anyone think if we all started to e-mail the people who live large on the donations they collect for animal welfare like HSUS . If we all e-mailed these people with our withdrawl of any futher donations maybe they will think no more free money and will back off .
Worth a shot. You wouldn't be able to influence a lot but you could influence some. Lobby groups run on money.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I just got this message from PIJAC:




The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act (H.R. 669), introduced by Del. Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) Chair of the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife of the House Natural Resources Committee would totally revamp how nonnative species are regulated under the Lacey Act.

Currently, the Fish and Wildlife Service is required to demonstrate that a species is injurious [harmful] to health and welfare of humans, the interests of agriculture, horticulture or forestry, and the welfare and survival of wildlife resources of the U.S.

HR 669 substantially complicates that process by compelling the Service to produce two lists after conducting a risk assessment for each nonnative wildlife species to determine if it is likely to “cause economic or environmental harm or harm to other animal species’ health or human health.” In order to be placed on the “Approved List” it must be established that the species has not, or is not likely, to cause “harm” anywhere in the US. Species that are considered potentially harmful would be placed on an “Unapproved List.” Furthermore, HR 669 would essentially ban all species that do not appear on the Approved List, regardless of whether or not they have ever been petitioned for listing or are sufficiently well studied to enable a listing determination.

Species not appearing on the “Approved List” could not be imported into the United States; therefore, all unapproved nonnative species could not be moved interstate. In addition, trade in all such unlisted species would come to a halt – possession would be limited and all breeding would cease. Unless those species are included on the approved list import, export, transport, and breeding would be prohibited. Exceptions are limited and would not be available to pet owners across the nation.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
Every state already has a list of approved animals, and illegal ones. Why would they need to complicate that by making a list for the entire country? Let each state decide what animals are detrimental to agriculture, human safety, etc.
Also, if they make these lists, they are going to need lots of people to enforce it, confiscate/destroy animals, issue fines... Sounds like a huge, expensive mess...


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Every state already has a list of approved animals, and illegal ones. Why would they need to complicate that by making a list for the entire country? Let each state decide what animals are detrimental to agriculture, human safety, etc.
Also, if they make these lists, they are going to need lots of people to enforce it, confiscate/destroy animals, issue fines... Sounds like a huge, expensive mess...
Expensive mess? Yes. Bad for economy? Most definitely a huge threat.

However I do not in any way, shape, or form agree with this insanely bad bill but the reason they want this instead of every state for itself is due to the extreme ease of getting things across state lines. I live in VA where big cats are illegal. Say I want to buy one. All I have to do is travel to West Virginia and find someone that sells them and buy one. There are no state line searches! It is that easy except for the big cat breeder part of course. You can move anything across state lines in a shipping box. There aren't searches. I've heard of people getting monocles shipped to CA. It was that simple. But for a box to get into the U.S. is difficult. That is where bills like these come into play. Mentally inept and irresponsible people screw it up for everyone.



Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
Last fight before H. R. vote!

E-mail! Call! Contact! Stop this! This is your last chance. Put this on every forum you take part in NOW! This will affect everyone in the U.S. by direct relation or by sinking us deeper into reccession.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
This is the last chance!

I have noticed a large uprise in Rhacodactlyus [Crested geckos and the like.] keeping. It would be a shame for that to die in its infancy. Not to mention all the other cool animals available right now. I highly doubt herps and inverts would be "approved!" Knowing the U.S. government committees they will only bring cute fluffy things. Quite ironic. Cats are one of the worst invasive animals even though they are domestic. They can live in all 50 states and freely wreck havoc on the ecosystem whether for "play" or food. You can guarantee the government would declare those approved. With these double standards we can not risk a bill like this going on any further.